Just recently I switched to a full body routine. I try to hit each muscle with one exercise every workout. For the big compound movements I am going fairly heavy for 5 sets…for the single joint movements I am going lighter/high reps for 3-4 sets. I am going to workout everyother day and on my “off days” I am running sprints. I figure I will do a light/easy workout every third workout to prevent myself from burning out. So far my workouts are slightly longer…which I know I can cut down a little on the BSing and get out of there a little quicker.
From all the research I did…this is proven to help build size. The theory is hitting each muscle more frequent promotes more growth periods…even though you hit them less intense. Think of it as you do a split and you hit each muscle once a week, that is a max of 52 growth periods/year. If you do a full body 3 times/week then that is a max of 156 growth periods. Which I can buy into this logic, but the main thing is this will be something to keep changing it up…which seems to work for me. The odd thing is when I talked to a friend who is a bodybuilder he said this wouldn’t help me build size and may actually make me lose some size…then I talked to a trainer at the gym and he said pretty much the same thing. It is just odd that everything I researched said the opposite…every book I read…and the old school guys all did full body routines. They suggest it was when Roids got big, then splits got real popular. So I guess I will try it out for 6 weeks or so and see if it works for me.
back on a pre workout supplement…that has caffeine in it. says take 5 pills for 300mg caffeine but i started at 4 the first time and today i took the 5
i dont like the 5…i have that jittery energy and the shakes…i hate that so i’ll take 4 and see if that eases the effect. But combined with the NO2 supplement, i can definately feel the swelling pump effect reguardless of reps. Not sure i really like it yet, but its sweet looking to see muscles thicken like that
my NO2 works good and doesnt have caffeine, thats why i liked it so much. This new caffeine stimulant is jsut abit too much. I gotta tone it down to 4 pills
I haven’t been to the gym in 9 months, since my last kid was born. I got really out of shape and just joined Champion fitness by Baldwin High School.
I have been reading up on CrossFit and decided to give it a try. I think I burned more calories in 20 minutes doing that than in a month of regular lifting. The workout was 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 bodyweight squats. Do this over and over as many times as you can in 20 minutes. My brother got 17 sets and I got 10 my first time .
I will add the weight 3 days a week and try to do this 2 times a week. Hopefully get rid of the gut and add a little muscle before Sandcastle opens up this year.
I started weight watchers about a week ago. I’m having a hard time because of my sleep habits. I work night shift part time and I’m usually up all night even on my nights off. So I sleep all day, then I’m lucky to get 2 meals in a day. Yet I’ve managed to lose 5 pounds so far. 101 more to go :eek3:
you should prolly work with something reasonable and go from there… honestly 100lbs is alot of weight for anyone. Not impossible but you should aim so high at first…
Yes, 106 actually. Dan, I pm’ed you. My long term goal is to lose the whole 106. Short term is to lose 10% of my weight. My diet…Lots of chicken, fish, salad, water, veggies. I’m allowed 29 points a day according to my weight watchers plan. My bmi is 37. I can afford to lose 106 lbs. and still be at a good weight for my height.
I just saw some stuff in GNC called Triflex. its supposed to help rebuild joints and stuff like that faster, i didnt really look into it that much though i just glanced at it. maybe you could try that?
and i just switched from cell tech to creakic. i just like taking pills more then drinking that orange flavored shit, so now im doing mass tech and creakic, to keep so extra protein in my diet, and so far ive been happy with it
i have been involved with fitness for a long time. take the money you spend on weight watchers and hire a personal trainer, and follow a good diet. weight watchers doesnt make you healthy, its a quick way to lose weight.
I am not 100% against weight watchers. I think it is good that it teaches people how to control how much they eat. one thing I do not like about it is that it allows you to eat anything you want. I know people that will say “wow I can eat 4 cookies and skip this meal and still make my points”…or “I worked out this day so I have 6 bonus points so it’s OK that I eat (fill in blank with crap food)”. But yes there is no quick fix, fact is you have to eat healthy and change your whole lifestyle. If you always look for the quick fix chances are you will end up where you started if not worse. So I say weight watchers is good for now…maybe for a good jump start and motivation. Then after you get the hand of things then you can save your $$ and put it towards a personal trainer and/or a gym membership. Good luck.
when you lose weight to fast, your metabolism doesn’t have time to change…
when you join a gym, or just start to ecercise regularly, you actually raise your metabloism with exercise, which will help you keep weight off. dropping 100 lbs. is easy, keeping it off without exercise is hard.
lsing a small amount of weight per week will allow you metabolism to do its job, and give you more energy, burn more calories, which leads to a heallthier weight loss.
From what I remember, loosing weight is different from loosing inches. You can drop x amount of weight quickly using eating techniques, but some of that weight is lean muscle mass… eating *right and working out will turn the fat into muscle …yes?
Yes…and no. Depending on how you lose weight you will loose fat and muscle mass. A lot of people will drastically drop their calories to drop weight fast…in turn they will lose fat but along with a lot of muscle. This is not the best way to do it. You have to eat right/clean while taking in quality calories along with some kind of exercise routine. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism.
No you cannot change fat into muscle…think of them as two totally separate things. You can reduce fat by diet and exercise and you can build muscle by diet and exercise…but fat will never turn into muscle.
If anyone can invent something that takes fat cells, breaks them down and directly converts them into muscle cells evenly distributed over the large muscle groups…you’re probably going to be the richest person in the world. People would throw big bucks at you for one bottle of that stuff. That’d be awesome. Unless it was steroid based…
everyone wants a quick pill/diet that will take fat off instead of working for it. If you use the fad diet and lose wieght without working for it, you will probably go right back to the weight you were before because “it’s soo damn easy to lose it again”. I have heard this from a few friends over the years.
I am going to write a book for weight loss. I will even share my ideas with Pittspeed now, “Eat less, Exercise more” That’s it, that is my entire weight loss secret. You have to burn more calories and not eat as many, there is no way around it.
If you actually work for it by going to a gym and losing it the right way, you will be less inclined to gain the weight back because of the struggle to made to get it off in the first place.