carkstar still sucks
way to ruin a good thread. :tool:
twoforty i just started this routine, how does it sound?
day 1: chest/back
2: legs/ shoulders
3: rest
4: chest/back
5: legs/shoulders
6: bis/tris
7: rest
i weigh about 155lbs, and right now for bench press my max is 185 ( i know im weak) but a trainer at my gym got me on a program where i should be repping 210 in 14 weeks.
is there any paticular reason for doing shoulders/legs and chest/back twice in a 7 day period? i dont like that you do a chest/back day. my personal opinion is that its not a good idea to lift two big muscle groups on the same day.
how new are you to fitness and resistance training? also adding 25 pounds to your bench shouldnt take 14 weeks.
i know it seems like im ripping apart what you plan on doing but its just not something i would ever reccomend! it doesnt seem like really good advice. you can get me on AIM @ wajimmy22 if you have more questions or we can just keep it in here so otehrs can see what i have to say.
I like the wet area
the 185 is my max bench right now…i rep 145-160ish. According to this trainer, I should be doing chest twice a week. i just threw the other stuff in there because I ran out of other muscle groups to work.
you should be able to max much more than 185 if you rep 145-160 but thats beside the point:)
honestly i have a good chest workout if your concern is only increasing your max bench press. if your trainer is encouraging a “increase your bench” workout to a beginner i wouldnt trust him. a good trainer would encourage a balanced, full body resistance program!
How bad is it to just alternate upper body and lower body days. What ive been doing is upper body one day, lower the next, and then cardio the third. Is this a decent plan? I’m not trying to compete or be super ripped. Just want a nice lean figure with good definition.
you shuld do cardoi everyday for like 10-15min. to warm up your muscles like run on an eliptical or treadmill. and then lift and alternating different muscles is a good thing as well, you can work out everyday as long as you give diff. muscles rest like alternating like you are doing
its really not that bad of an idea as far as your goals are concerned. your not going to be able to fatigue each muscle group as much as you would with a traditional 4 day split. eventually your going to need a more cardio for longer durations but again in the meantime its good for your goals. my only advice is make sure you alternate the order in which you do your workouts. if you constantly bench press first and do lat pulldowns last, your going to have lagging lats and a superior chest.
i can help you set up a more advanced workout when your ready for it. as for your cardio: longer durations of 40min+ are going to help burn fat. make sure to keep your protein intake high so you retain as much muscle as possible!
I started last year in January benching 175 as my 1 rep max. My 1 rep max went up very quick to 225, I believe about 4 months. It can be done.
good luck. btw: what gym did you join?
Thats pretty goood…when you first start lifting if you are doing it consistant, smart, and hard it is easy for everything to increase pretty fast. The increases get a decently slower after that. If you hit a slow spot and cannot make any gains that is a sign to switch up your routine. Try new exercises, order of muscle groups, intensity levels. I know when I hit a pretty long flat spot i did high intensity work outs and got out of it (strips, drop sets, up and down the rack). I wouldn’t recomend anyting like that to someone who is not experianced though. BTW I know you weren’y asking my but I have a membership to champion fitness on 51 for 10/month.
I got a lot bigger in those first few months, not i’m not getting any bigger or stronger. But I will change that.
I belong to Healthtrax in Bethel Park. Kinda by the entrance to south park by corrigan drive. It costs 90/month just for me. With my wife it’s 115/month. The only reason I go there is because they have a pool, raquetball(which is the best sport out there), and a nice sauna.
wow, thats hella expensive. Than god I dont have to pay that much, but still have all those benefits.
yeah I’ll be really appreciative if you could come up with some sort of routine for me. And I’ve been downing whey protein shakes like Shaggy downs packs of Newports.
i’d get on a strict routine and give it a few months of training before taking supplements. find out after your training what you really need to take. Or just change your diet a little to get the stuff you need. :dunno:
it’s only money and if it gets me in better shape, it’s well worth it.
I gotta keep my protein up. Thats a fact. And it would be damn near impossible to eat 230-350g of protein without a supplement.
I heard you only need .5g per pound. And that pound is not total weight but your % of body fat taken off.
If you are a pro lifter who works out 3 times a day you may need to up the protein.
At least that’s what I was told, I could be wrong
I changed my diet a little bit over the last week to get more protein and noticed I don’t hurt after the gym anymore. I started eating oatmeal every morning and at night for an extra 30g of protein and that was it.