Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

the health club I go to has a eucalyptus room, a steam room, a sauna, a hot tub, lap lanes, indoor Basketball court, 2 free weight areas, nautilus room, cardio room, 4 racquetball courts and its only $30/month w/ my corporate discount.

the OT F&N guru’s say 1g/lb minimum. lots go to 1.5 or 2g.

Anyone have any times on how a eating schedule should be when you are jumping back and forth between Daylight and night shifts monthly that include 8 hour, 12 hour and 16 hours shifts? :frowning:

Hell I even got a doctor’s appointment this friday to try and get my shit together and one of the questions on my list is that.

Me and Jenn have been cleaning up our eating habits over the past year. I only drink water or freash brew tea with no sugar or splenda at work. Its mainly just water because I don’t have time to make the tea at work especially when we are busy. I don’t eat fast foods, try to stay away from fried foods all together. Eat lean meats, skinless chicken breast, and trying to eat more fish (not that I don’t like it its just a time issue with cooking and not being home).

The biggest hinderance I have right now is time and work schedule. Other thing I’m finding out is that with me my required coloric intake is pretty damn high and I’m having a mental block trying to overcome that.

What I mean is multiple sites and tools like on Men’s health are saying for me to maintain my weight I need to eat 4000 +/- calories a day and 3500 +/- to loose a lb a week. Now I was counting calories for a few weeks over the past year trying to see what I take in and its no where near that on most days.Its under or around 3000, So what the fuck…Am I missing somthing?

This is all stuff I’m going to ask the Dr on Friday and hopfully I finally get some direction on how to tackle this. I’d be happy getting back to the 235-240 I was prior to getting my current Job. :squint:

that sounds nice. we have the steam room, sauna, hot tub, raquetball, basketball, free weight, about 50 treadmills, and a bunch of other things that I don’t use. I can take my kids and they have a little play area for them and free personal trainers. It is also the cleanest one I could find.

I wish I got a corporate discount me= :owned:

goto bodybuilding.com and look at some of the forums. It may give a different perspective. I look at a bunch of different places and try out a little from each. from training to supplements to diet.

it’s all about motivation. my wife looked at me last year and said " I think you should join a gym" I took it as, i’m a weak pathetic old man who looks like shit, and use that feeling everytime I goto the gym. My cousin works all kinds of fucked up hours but still eats right and gets to the gym on a regular basis. quit complaining and get to work. :D:D:D :love:

1-1.5g if you’re hard into it

personally I’m getting about 100-120g of protein a day, I’ve found that’s plenty for me

Redeck, what I was asking isn’t about eating right its about when to eat. I can’t get into my system that I need to eat more than 3 times a day, for me the 3500 claories, and then with working midnight people still saying I can’t be eating after 7pm which makes no sense.

I know I have to eat better and thats when we have been doing over the past year. Its the mental blocks and not really knowing whats true and whats not.

Know what I mean?

if you take too much, do you just piss it away or does it build up somewhere and cause problems?

I hear ya.
I can’t eat more than 3 times a day either. So what I do is eat small portions when I am supposed to eat a meal(breakfast, lunch, dinner) and have a snack between those meals. So I am kinda eating 6 smaller meals but in my head I am eating 3 and snacking. It’s fucked up but it works for me.

Protein Explained

Protein is an essential macronutrient, which means that you must take in adequate amounts of it through your diet for continued health. In fact, it is the basic component of all living cells and can be found in virtually every part of your body, including your muscle tissues.

This nutrient provides your body with the raw material it needs - in the form of amino acids - for tissue growth, repair, and maintenance. Protein is also vital to the creation of biomolecules, such as hormones and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) - the molecule that stores your genetic code.

Also referred to as polypeptides, proteins contain anywhere from less than a dozen to over a hundred amino-acid molecules. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are linked together by a chemical bond, known as a peptide bond. Although many amino acids exist in nature, twenty-two are considered biologically significant.

Some amino acids play important metabolic roles as precursors, or starting materials, of other molecules and act as intermediates, or go-betweens, in some metabolic pathways - a sequence of metabolic reactions. For example, some amino acids are important in the urea cycle, which is the pathway responsible for clearing nitrogen waste from the body.

so how much does a person with an average duty training schedule need to consume?

1 gram per pound of bodyweight is at best adequete but still not enough in my opinion. i take about 200grams of supplemented protein a day regaurdless of my workout or whatever else is going on. i break it into 50 grams 4 times a day! my times are morning, afterworkout, mid day and before bed. i consider whatever else i get from my diet a bonus but i know i get well over 100grams from whole foods :slight_smile:

i use a supplement called 100% Whey Protein By Optimum Nutrition

its very cost effective and in my opinion well worth the money!

i take ultra mega gold multi-vitamins from GNC 2 times daily. i also use creatine off and on depending on my goals.


set your schedule and stick to it even if you have to wake up from sleep just to eat! i know its a massive pain in the ass but start making your meals in advance, it will help! think about buying a meal replacement shake or bars.

What I mean is multiple sites and tools like on Men’s health are saying for me to maintain my weight I need to eat 4000 +/- calories a day and 3500 +/- to loose a lb a week. Now I was counting calories for a few weeks over the past year trying to see what I take in and its no where near that on most days.Its under or around 3000, So what the fuck…Am I missing somthing?

what your missing is that you killed your metabolism by working a changing schedule and eating less frequent, large meals. so your daily needs are much much less that 4000, probably closer to 2000.

ill give you the same tips i gave pewterss

well i wouldnt call any of my advice a “diet” because i dont believe in them. its a lifestyle change that you have to make in order to lose weight and keep it off.

alot of keeping yourself in good shape is making good choices in food throughout the day. you know when you eat something bad for you. you also know when you over eat at a meal. so limiting bad food choices and overeating will help you lose weight. im not saying to eliminate all the bad things you eat because thats impossible.

ive found a few good articles you should read and then we can talk.


Back To The Basics


there you go!

your body will use what it can at the moment of ingestion and the rest will go to waste. when it comes to building muscle you would rather waste protein then starve yourself of it. if you dont have enough protein in your diet your body will go into a catabolism phase. your body will breakdown muscle in less used areas to build it in otehr places.

i would reccomend supplementing your bodyweight x 1 gram of protein per day. you will be eating protein throughout the day so you should end up with 1.5+ grams per pound of bodyweight which is excellent for gaining mass and maintaining muscle mass while doing cardio!


I weigh about 190. So I should be consuming 200+ g’s of protein/day. WOW
I am right around 100-120/day with just my current diet right now.

I will have to get some protein and try it for a few weeks. Anyone have a hookup at GNC or something. :smiley:

when i worked at GNC my discount still didnt take the prices as low as bodybuilding.com or supplementcentral.com’s prices. the cool thing is that supplementcentral is located in the robinson area so i can get great prices without shipping! fuck GNC, Vitamin World and any other trend loving chain store out there!

go here and order the 10lb bag for 50ish bucks!


Well if my Work scehdule has totally killed my metabolisim, is there anything I can do to try and correct it? Waking up in the middle of the day to eat and being hungry for a 12 hour shift over night is not practical. When I get interuppeted during the day when I’m sleeping and then try to go to work it actually screws up my night even worse.

Unfortunatly this is becoming the trend with my profession. I save lives by sacrificing my physical and mental health.

Anyways, this is what I’m hoping to find out from the Doctor, but any other input would be helpful that I can take with me and present to him.

my cousin is an EMT with kirwan heights and northwest so i understand where your coming from.

if your more often awake during the evening and night instead of the day then eat during the night as if it was the day. the other ways to get your metabolism going are some cardio when you wake up to start your day or by stimulant means which i dont really reccomend.

its hard with a changing schedule and ive never really put much thought to it. i will however ask some people i know and research myself because its something i should know!
