Pittspeed Is Dead


they are cheap because any normal person wouldn’t spend more than $5 on one.

regular ones thats defiently true, for special edition cars that doesnt apply, the market value is way about 5k.

This year, one less than 40 the other 0 and last year both zero, and the year before one of them got 5

yes, 40 and 5 miles not 40k or 5k

zero here too but it moved…by Jeff on a trailer

my jeep did 210 miles last year some of them on its roof

Well said.

This sickness we have doesn’t just go away with age, and we need our support groups to deal with it. :wink: When we’re younger maybe it was hanging out in a parking lot late at night and setting up a few runs. As we get older we gravitate towards Sunday morning, slow cruises, and coffee. Or for me, I’ve moved towards track days and such. The community feel at track days is just as strong, if not stronger than any Saturday night in Crafton was.

We do our fair share of BSin’ between sessions, and usually we all get dinner and drinks after a day of racing. Sure we talk setup, we bench race, talk about how we “would have run a blah blah if we hadn’t gotten stuck behind that slow car” etc, but we also BS about completely non-car related topics. That’s just how it goes.

I’m not even sure I really think Pittspeed is all that different than it was years ago when I lived in the ‘burgh. Maybe its’ a bit over-moderated, and maybe there aren’t as man meets. But overall it seems pretty similar. The Bench Racers events seem like they’ve gone really well, and show Pittspeed is alive and kicking.

And honestly I think message boards have somewhat contributed to the decline in car type get-togethers. The stuff people usually BS about the once a month or week or whatever they all get together are already discussed ad nauseum on the boards. There’s no more seeing a car-buddy and asking what they’ve changed on their setup, what they’re running these days, what they have planned… all that is already covered in 80-page threads on 5 different forums.

So sure, we all grow up and have more responsibilities. Maybe we can’t spend several nights a week standing in parking lots. But most of us still make time for the hobby we love.

And I agree those that say they’ve “moved on” are just lying to themselves and us. The passion for cars is something you can’t just turn off. Maybe life dictated they don’t have time and money for cars right now. That’s reality for lots of people, why can’t they just say that? That’s respectable and honest. Hopefully some day they’ll have the time and funds to get back into cars… why do you think so many folks at those Sunday “cars and coffee” type events are retired dudes?


:rofl: win


Pittspeed was neutered a long time ago by said over-moderation. I warned that this would happen.

7 yrs later and your still sour you never became a mod

I don’t even remember the last time a post was deleted.

yeah same here

Or someone got :ban:

here is one for ya go fuck urself asshole.


I don’t even remember the last time a physical threat was posted. noobs are actually welcomed to the site instead of flamed…Chads car moves under it’s own power…

Pittspeed, why has thou forsaken me!?!?!?!?!?

stfu noob, If you ever poke your faggot head out of your rabbit hole, I’m kicking it the fuck off

u all are a bunch of babies

no need to come out of the rabbit hole. I’ll just send your mother out to get some gatorade and anal lube when we run out.