are u implying by my statement i was sayin clinton was bad? if anything that was a compliment.
i know the president doesnt set gas prices, tell that to the people who think george bush does. the president does have an effect on where and how we get get our oil thou.
i definetly dont want socialized medicine. the quality would suffer. Business however are beating the system by employing two people to work a job part time instead of having a full time person and paying them benifits. if businesses have to ante-up for all their employees this would relieve healthcare costs on the people out their bustin their balls everyday, not sitting home collecting a check. i believe a president and congress could help greatly with that.
on paper , sure i want lower taxes, i didnt say i wanted lower taxes thou. I said i’m sick of paying for illegal immagrants. I dont have a problem with the taxes i am paying that go towards the benifit of citizens of this country. whether that be roads, police, etc… in the same breath i’m tired of the burdeen of ghetto baby machines and trailer park heroin addicts.