Pittspeed Politics - v. GOP/DEM/Primaries/Ron Paul

I respect your honesty. However, because I (or you) believe in something doesn’t mean government should have any role in it.

The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to bear arms to the people of this once-great nation, so you’re not just disagreeing with Ron Paul or any other individual there, you’re disagreeing with the Constitution.

I’m also not telling you that you should change your personal beliefs either. I am pointing out that we have laws and a Bill of Rights in this country and they are not subject to the opinions of individuals.

Your stance on gun control isn’t a matter of some personal disagreements with NRA members like me. Your stance is that you’d like to change to Constitution and further restrict the rights of Americans regarding gun ownership.

I like to correct these things because they quickly degenerate into ridiculous non-productive arguments when proper language is not upheld.

I don’t support the rights of Americans to own firearms just because I think it’s a good idea, but also because it’s the law of the land.

I think it would be a good idea to outlaw tobacco. Poor communities are hit the hardest with the addiction, expense and health problems associated with it, but that isn’t the role of government, and until we understand that, we’ll never be able to agree on these things.