Pix from June 23rd DriftFreeWeekends!

Dude your getting hyped up for no reason, you really know where i learned drifting and where we used to do it, here is a video of a guy i know.

and please cut the crap that everyones laughing at me and shit, i could careless, because i know what i can do and can’t, i never mentioned anything to you or anyone else saying you guys suck or something, if you read my first comment, you will see what i said, as for the technical stuff, it was so that you could get an idea from someone who’s tried it before, i used to think the same thing, till i tried different setups, and though i only may have a B13, thats because iv’e always bough my own shit, and no im not saying anything about that you got your car for free, just that most my friends are really rich and i lernt from them in their cars, you go ahead laugh at me all you want, like i said i didn’t bash anyones drifting, i just wanted to help in a way, and for your info ive lived in japan, europe italy, and the middle east, ive seen alot more than what you think you know, and i didn’t single you out when i replied, i was typing because i though you were the only one who told me off, my bad for that, i should have read the rest of other peoples comments, and yea go ahead laugh buddy while you watch this…


whatever you say bud.

neither did i.

anyway, back on topic. this discussion is useless. someone post more pictures, if there are no more pictures; samson, use your thread locking powers.

you know if you put a body kit and a lot of stickers your fwd wil go faster and win drag races!! a word of advise dont give tips to someone not asking. would you listen to a bum on the street for stock tips? or a hooker for dating tips?

blade was a hardcore stock car w/ no power steering if not worst then stock and he was doing pretty damn good.

lol ok lets get back on topics!! post some pics !!!

samson burn it for me :slight_smile: if your comming down sunday bring it!!

you obviously havent herd of DRIFTER X, lol, “theres no PROPER drift setup” you make me laughhhhh…

^ i heard stickers are +10 hp, and if you get a bodykit with enough curves and edges, it adds downforce for aerodynamic purposes!!! lol


yes u heard right. there is no proper drift setup. its whatever the driver’s preference to how they want their camber, tires, etc. whatever the case may be. not everyone will have the exact ideal set-up.

also, not everyone has the same drifting style.

you seem to have been to many places. next time you’re in japan, go say hi to the drifters in the mountain, and tell them everything you’ve been posting here. and tell us what they say.

yea this might shut you up, i didn’t want to say anything but your cars are lunch boxes compared to these www.toprpm.com i was the member of this club back when i was over seas.

first off, drift setups are only required if the driver prefers a more technical and specific approach on how to get sideways. depending on the maneouvers and angles and shit the driver wants to accomplish, a drift setup is required imo. you are right about the drift setup shit, but your wrong in assuming what the car is being used for and what the driver wants out of it.

most of the guys that came out just want to kick it sideways and have fun. stop being so judgemental. critisim is good when your actually there, not just by looking at these photos.

some guys don’t care about a setup, some do.

its all in what you want to accomplish as i’ve said.

renegade and alphaqsideways ripped it up. esp renegade with stock suspension on this pretty big oval. you don’t need INSANE hp, but i’d have to admit the oval is a power drift. underpowered cars, no no.

you cannot perform things like manji and shit with stock suspension because it would just look ridiculous and unpredicatable. so in this case some sort of a setup is required.

its all preference. when you have so much advice to give, give it when your there watching, not over the internet while looking at pictures. no one cares what club you WERE a part of, if your so knowledgeable you should inform people and show some proof that your knowledge is valid. who knows you could be a 16yr old behind your computer.

the main pt is, having a drift setup is personal preference and depending on the skill level of the driver that NEEDS a setup to perform different maneouvers. if your just drifting around 1 or 2 turns, its not NEEDED.

and asking to use someone’s car to drift, please.

and FYI, i’m running -3 camber. -4 is a tad over imo but that becomes preference. and the skyline that you are referring to is not a “drift car”. stop assuming things.

Jon, i don’t have any blanks so i can only burn if someone gives me a CD


Let’s keep this thread for pics of the event please…If you guys would like to discuss different drift/drag/circuit setups please start another thread.


Hey MikeP , i understand this is my last post here for the topic…vvvvvvv

I absolutely agree with you, i was getting flamed for saying drift setup" everyone was saying theres no such thing and so on forth when they said it best them selves in their own post, that a “drift setup” is a setup the driver uses to his spec and comfort,lol, i think they all mentioned that,and didn’t realise it, and the second thing proper drift spec, which essentially means the prior, a specific setup according to the type of drift you want to do, and as everyone keeps saying. BUT, I WAS NOT GIVING ADVICE, OR TELLING YOU TO DO IT THIS WAY, THAT WAY, I JUST MENT BY LOOKING AT ONE OR TWO PICS THERE MAY HAVE BEEN CARS WHICH MAY HAVE NEEDED MORE CHAMBER, NOT BECAUSE THE DRIVER WAS BAD BECAUSE THE TIRE WALLS LOOKED THEY WERE GETTING IT HARD, look at the first pick of the skyline and you will know what i was trying to convey, and i also asked if you guys were running drift setups,lol which essentially ment, how many were running stock, and how many were with a specific drift spec (according to their style or whatever you wanna call it)…well im not going to ever mention anything again, anymore, a slight misunderstanding and everyones out to get you. Yea and im not 16, im 22 years old, and i did say i would come to the next meet so how can you assume im some punk kid, thats some judgement right there by you guys, and yet say im judgemental…

anyways i hope you all had fun, like i siad before, and nice pics…

someones been watchin drift bible too much

lets see some more pics and vids

i keep going to driftfreeweekends website, buy they haven’t update the gallery pics yet

i know someone was on the oval getting lots of nice pics

b13 bully, i dont know who you are trying to prove on how great or cool you are but frankly i dont care nor other people. you think your cool over seas but your not cool here.

this is a picture thread and i would agree with people putting there input about the event if they where there.

go play more gt4 and figure out more set up. if you find anything intresting you can post here http://www.torontonissan.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28

and the fact your calling our cars lunch boxes is disrespectful. most of us are college student and earn our own money and arent hardcore into setting up my daily driver to “drift or race” specs.

you judge by pictures yet you dont know anything about the cars out there i geuss you look into flashy things.

we get your point, your a self centered know it all. please post in the proper section now. all other comments just take through pm im sick off this discussion i feel like im in high school arguing over gt3 drift set up and car to use


Anyway, seriously guys. Any more pics or VIDEOS? I wish I knew about this event. I would’ve loaded up my two old rear rims/tires and blasted the shit out of what was left of them.

EDIT… I don’t think I’ll be posting for a while. My post number is 666 :wink:


and i know the guy with the reds13 was taking vidz on the oval we shoudl get him to join up and post em…

umm bro you’re just quoting off videos… if you wanna talk about videos i got them all… and drifter x is no longer drifter x FYI because he doesnt drive for signal auto anymore… and of course we cant compare to the skill level of japanese people so why bother bring it up!

sorry all i just had to say that because this thread is getting stupid… if this continues like MikeP said it will be locked!!!


post pics/vids in the thread that i started.

post comments and other shit in the section it is for.

ie. drift setup etc

ok first warning second is 3 day ban. lets keep the forums a nice place to chat. if you have comments or sugestions send threw pm… no more arguing.