like a vagina on the rag?
I dont remember that
like a vagina on the rag?
I dont remember that
the taco bell volcano box… volcano taco and burrito, in the 5$ chas barkley box!
still gonna say no. I dont need the colon cleanser value meal.
5 buck box it rocks it rocks, its enough for a jock!!
I don’t think I would trade mine for yours.
I dont want a black one anyway. I hate black cars.
Id really like a white one.
^^ :rofl
I’ve always wanted a fox body…I just cant see myself dropping 9k on one
:wow i would your car is slow .:lol
If you don’t have $500 for a tune or anything else, you are in the absolute worst hobby. Stop dicking around and either enjoy it or sell it.
This car drained all my money and Im sick of putting money into it. Im hoping not to spend anything on it this year if I do keep it.
Ive gotta do a few things to the truck (maintenance) and want to do a few things to the quad but really want to work on paying off bills and not fucking with a stupid car all the time.
better park it then ,or sell it
It is parked in a garage now barricaded in by tools and random shit my brother has
no ,i meant permanatly
the registration runs out this summer. Maybe I wont renew it.
Not to be a douche, but dont you live at home? How the fux do you still owe that much on it?
Because I spent alot on it and have alot of bills. I went a little crazy buying shit for it and also bought a quad and a truck.
I think you missed my point.
You should be enjoying it. Too many people mod cars for years and never get a chance to enjoy them. This occurs for many reasons: mod itch, financial issues, etc. If it rots, what’s the point? Stop modding, get it to the point of use, and enjoy it.
If $500 isn’t in your account for whatever reason to use, then you should not have any of these toys. Just a rule of thumb.