PJB selling the Mustang

What he said, all this work and money into it you need to enjoy it not sell it. Don’t be a Stallmer

:lmao + reputation rating points

Im just bored with it and sick of dumping money into it.
I dont have the money for a tune and really dont want to bother getting one.

I really dont have any use for the car. I never drive it and it just sits around. Really Id rather ride the quad than drive it anyway.

paul i understand you not wanting it anymore…after all, it is a Mustang…ooooh shit

Sell it for 4-5 grand, or keep it and enjoy it, really, that’s all you can do. Trades you mentioned aren’t going to happen, unless there is a huge catch, or retard, involved.

I cant sell it for that. I put alot more than that into it last year.

Tune it

So you’re left with two options, make it enjoyable to drive, or trade it for something of equal value. Trade it for an LT1 Camaro or something…

i offer him 4k cash what seems to be weekly

why? It runs fine as it is and I dont have an extra $500 to do it anyway.

Why would I want an LT1 Camaro?

And its not going to happen.


Fair amount for a quick, local sale. Jellies, the only cars that people break even/make money on are Supra’s, and that’s just because the buyers are retarded. Cool cars to set up to drag, but too costly to operate on the street.

Yeah, he’ll buy it and somehow sell it for double that.
No way am I going to sell it for $4k. Itll sit in a garage and rot before I do that.

Well, there you go then.

when youre broke, and need fast cash, let me know ill take that stang. getting 4 grand in a rush isnt an issue.

and no i wouldnt flip it man. id set it up RIGHT.

Yep Yep, he will well it eventually for sure, always happens.

eventually is right. and itll get a healthy 150shot and a good tune on it :lol

Trade me for my quad, and sell your dumpy one :lol

Hello low 11’s

Really theres nothing wrong with the way its set up now. I put all good parts into it this time around.

I dont want your quad and I like mine better. IRS > SRA