PJB's Life Theories: Welfare, piss tests, and abortions...(Split)

oh you mean the car that he promised me he would PAY ME for the transmission and a few other parts that i didnt receive payment for, or only received partial payment? that part of the story was left out im sure. or how he ducked my phone calls entirely. :Idiots people will pick and choose who to side with as they always do vlad. you are a communist/socialist/democrat/liberal. i am a republican/conservative.

i dont tolerate queers. at all.

i dont believe in abortions, however theres been a time or 2 ive wondered if some people on here shoudve been one.

less taxes the better. (less government influence in all aspects.)

i support the death penalty, shit lets put in an express lane for this one for murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. (more to be added later im sure)

joe arpaio is fucking awesome. (look him up)

border jumpers or “illegal immigrants” to be politically correct are fair game to either be killed or deported ASAP, no ifs, ands, or buts. anchor babies do not have US citizen rights. parents arent legal? then you arent either. GTFO.

English is the language… in our borders? best speak english or GTFO. this press 1 for spanish, 2 for french is fucking horseshit.

guns! 'merica! fuck yah! the more the better. 7 rounds in a magazine? haaa only if im 1/2 empty.

theres more but you stopped reading after the first paragraph… so good day.:Idiots