Place to take pics in Btown?

Anyone know some nice places to take some shots of the car in brampton or in the GTA for that matter. I was lookin at some truck yards but enough of them have security. let me know if know any places and maby post some pics along with the suggestions. Thanks


in btown, eldorado park, heartlake park, lol earnscliff school(don’t know if that’s spelled correct) um those are the only ones i could think of so far that i have taken picks at

lol i went to earnscliff i dont wanna be reminded of it. haha old has hell

“whos that old man taking pictures at our school?” iunno, ill alert the cops.

i did too that place was sick in the winter time, they used to plow the snow all the way to the back then it would make like a snow pike and me and my friends use to play there

hey im not old wtf :S

lol it was a childs perspective >.>
I assumed it was a public school

ye lol i can picture that the kids would probably me amazed by the cars though

you would feel like the king especially up on he snow hills

LMAO i took picks there in the summer time when school was out LOL and yes i went there when i was younger.

arite so if any one know any otehr yards or something wehre u can get it? otherwise im too lazy just gonna go to city centers underground parking ahah

ooooh gadge park area at night LOL when its empty,
i don’t know i gues im the only one who takes picks around btown LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

what kind a back ground are you looking for. if you wan awood/natural setting then drive to caledon. lots of hills to get a nice sunset pic.


Clairville Ranch if you want a western background

ye clairville ranch is like a minute away from my house but im more into the yard theme with like trailers and docks and stuff. Natural is good too, damn ill prolly just go to a couple places and take pics.

Bramptons new hospital underground parking LOL at night is the pace to take the pics

Professors Lake?

^^ yea thats the spot. i checked it out the other day its legit