Plane on a conveyor belt (small scale) JUST TOOK OFF !!!!!!

omfg, full size conveyor belt just took off, full size plane just exploded into a bouquet of flowers … nyspeed was right !

if you’re definition of lame is “great, fantastic, epic” then yes…it was “lame” sir.

and lol at the pilot not thinking it would take off…he doesn’t even realize what is propelling the plane he operates forward…how the hell is he still allowed to fly.

for those of you who said it wouldnt fly…

you ALL deserve a big hefty punch in the dick

Awesome… I see smaller airports with individual conveyor belts!!!
Think of all the space saving!

It doesn’t save any space. the plane will still travel the same distance relative to the ground in order to take off.


if anything it takes up MORE space… and not to mention plane tires arent rated for double the speeds that they hit on a daily basis… if the treadmill is going 80 mph back and the planes goin 80 fwd… 160 mph tire speed would cause tire failure if that exceeded the range… (that was my jet pilot friends only argument)

^^^ steam powered fighter jet launchers for cessnas’ ?

everyone who said it wouldnt fly should be sterilized

i wanna see a 747 :frowning:

Actually more space. They said it took off past the cones. Looked like they marked off the take off point and still had cones up beyond the 85 ft required.

I meant for one that actually is like a treadmill. Then it will be truely nerd.

even if it was a real treadmill… your still slowing the forward momentum in reality. so it WILL take longer… aka, more runway… more treadmill, even if its not a tarp and a truck…

Damn, I’ve been mythbusted! :wink:

:tup: to conceding… now run the treadmill the other direction and you might be on to something… but if thats the case… lets get bigger engines and just accel faster


really? cause for a second i thought that i didnt just see that on the show?