Planning a snowboarding/skiing trip, Need your help


New England is great for skiing on ice in 10 degree weather.

If you want fresh pow and bluebird all day, “go west young man”.
I promise you won’t regret it.


You’ve never skied Jay Peak.:rx3:

370 inches of snow last year, including a 60+ inch day in February. 370 inches is on par with lots of places out west, including most of Colorado. If you still don’t agree, I’ll let you come over and watch my Meathead Films and your opinion on east coast skiing will be forever altered.

I agree if you have the money, go west, as the terrain and weather is usually better, but there is legitimate skiing on the east coast if you know where to look and can’t afford to travel west.

PS- The best place out west for consistant snow and best chance for cheap lodging is Salt Lake City. VERY close to amazing skiing, and flights to SLC are very reasonable.