Plants/Vehicles affected by American Axle strike

theres too many different sides to a topic like this, its like asking which color is the best
i got hired to be a scab back when the strike started for 16$ plus 30hours over time with time and a half
i quit my first day after 3 guys told me they were going to flip my car over after i went inside

Alright, fair enough. Honestly: Why should everyone want more?

its not miserable if you like what you’re doing, and if i like problem solving in the medical field instead of taking bong hits ill gladly take a miserable job with a starting salary of $3-400k annually. its also nice to know ill never be out of work since people constantly will be getting sick

I’ve been in an emergency room a few times…no one there was breaking their ass.

depends where you go, but its not for everyone


I’m curious as to the reason behind people aspirations, here.

fucking amen to that.

I think the people arguing are missing a solid point, it’s not unions in general that are screwing everything up, it’s the UAW that has huge problems. They can get away with whatever they want and never take a loss. They are like the mafia of the domestic economy.

Its the same at Ford… I’ve been there 15yrs now. We have part timers there making 23 an hour but when they go full time they’ll drop down to 14.50 thanks to the uaw unions. not only that they will have to pay into thier pension lol…that really sucks for them. The company is trying to weed out all us senior ppl. The payscale for us ranges from 28.50 to 37.00 an hour. The company eventually wants ford employes to be all temps so they can lay them off when needed

We just eliminated the cleaners job there…now we have outside ppl that have a seperate union working for 8.95 per hour

I didn’t read this whole thing but I am starting to get pissed off that we are trying to sell cars and WE DON’T HAVE ANY!!! WTF!!! I wish these guys would realize that the market is hard enough as it is and they are not only screwing themselves because they will all get canned but they are screwing me, my employees and every other GM dealer in this country.

When are they gonna think about the people at the dealerships who get paid commision who have families that need to be fed and bills that need to be paid?

They are being selfish. $0.02

just curious, how many deals would you say you have lost?

Union keeps agreeing to shit that AAM keeps taking away from them. Wages and BENEFITS. Not to mention closing the plant. GM has lost 800 million in sales because of this and is so fed up that they are fronting 200 million to help with the buy outs to get this over with. So maybe AAM will stop sending revisions back to the unions and just say lets sign.

Yup most unions are kept in check by non union workers, when you control the entire workforce you become greedy and selfish. All the other unions in this area have procedures in place to help circumvent problems like this. If contracts are up and something cant be agreed on you continue working for what you were making and any difference in pay is made up after the new contract is done. This is why you only see the UAW striking the other unions know they would be stabbing there workwers in the foot by making them strike you cant feed your family while standing on a picket line.

IAM union workers have an agreement with UAW and AAM that they will not cross the UAW picket lines and UAW does the same for them. So after the UAW deal is done it will be time for the IAM. If the IAM strikes (which is probably unlikely) then UAW workers may still not be back at work. IAM usually gets whatever the UAW gets.

Guess where the next Camaro rear-end is made?

I like that unions try to make it so no matter what the position, an employee can make enough money to live.

I think the hired an fired standards need to changed though. I’ve heard some interesting stories about how hard it is for a UAW company to fire someone.

The Construction guys I know work hard for their money, and they don’t really get as much as what seems to be reported. Its the government worker positions that seem to have a lot BS positions and such, its unbelievable how much politicians make.

I work residential construction right now, and honestly, it doesn’t make sense that an engineer can make so much to design something in the perfect paper world, then the guy who makes this paper into something can make so much less. It would seem that (at least in residential) that a lot of these designs simply don’t work or are impossible to make.

Maybe if the guys at the top of todem pole had to work at the bottom they would understand what its like, and honestly, it would make the top that much better just from the experiance.

Some people are just not cut out for manual labor, getting dirty, building things, etc. Althought it would seem the best in any field, seem to know and have done everything from the bottom up.

lol thats allways pissed me off how archetects want to fit 20"s of shit into a 10" space everything works in 2 dimensions now try to apply it all

AAM is now thinking the cheektowaga plant will also be closed now.

a tentative agreement has been reached! finally after 11 weeks.