Plastic Gun?

I was just wondering why a plastic gun has not yet been made. I mean if you think about it, with the technology in plastics and carbon fiber, its surprising that nobody has made a pistol that can contain almost no metal. I know the government has a 83% metal content rule by weight about guns. But what is stopping terrorists from creating plastic 1 time use pistols?

edit… it came up on a discussion at work due to that movie with Kevin Costener being on TV over the weekend

uhh they have…

theres polycarbonate glocks

wrd i was gonna say glocks are plastic… can fire underwater/after being burried in sand ect

dude. you might do less work than me over there

They have the only parts that are metal in an autoloading pistol are the springs, firing pin and barrel.

Glock Made a Gun completely out of porcelin.

Flare guns are plastic…

One Time use pistols arent worth the R&D when they can get 10 Ak’s for the cost of one of these.

Its not lucrative for anyone to make one.

The glocks lower frame is polymer. the slide and internals are all metal.

H&K G36 is all polymer body to make it lighter, again the internals are metal.

That fact that most manufacturers sell most guns in the USA. The government controls what guns are legal. In order for these companies to make money they need to create guns they can sell. If you can’t buy the gun here, they won’t sell many. It is simple business. I’d imagine Colt isn’t going to sell very many $800 plastic pistols over seas to terrorists, when they can just go buy a AK-47 for $47 and a donkey.

Exp: Why don’t more companies sell cars without airbags to make them cheaper and lighter? They can’t…

I could however see china making a cheap plastic gun in the future. They are the new Russia to me.

Edit: You guys beat me to it. Its all about the $$$.

But in theory it can be done.

the glocks and all other commercially available guns still have to contain 83% of their weight in metal to be a legally available firearm…


from glockfaq:

Where can I get a porcelain or ceramic Glock, you know, the Glock 7?
There is no such thing as a porcelain or ceramic Glock. All Glocks are made from polymer and steel and always have been. This rumor got started (or maybe fueled) by a line from Bruce Willis in the movie ‘Die Hard 2: Die Harder’:

find me a plastic that can used as a barrel that wont fail instantly and explode in your hands.

Yes im aware of the movie that it was used in.

It was made as a prototype in the early 90’s to prove that they could, it never went to production because in testing it the frame kept shattering from the force of the the recoil.

:word: The barrel can’t be made of plastic and still be worth a damn.

pretty self explanatory

Smith and Wesson made a lightweight revolver out of Titanium, The chamber sleeves and barrel had to be made out of steel becuase Titanium was too soft. and would flex from the force and heat from the .38 special

there are a lot of plastics/CF products that could withstand 1 or 2 bullet firings especially if encased in a sleeve of plastic… but ive never tried to engineer anything like that…

i never said it had to be a reloadable weapon, but a 1 or 2 shot weapon… seems more plausable…

Viper = terrorist


your better off just using a fking derringer.

I don’t think you understand the force that a round has.

A plastic barreled .22 you might be able to get away with, its not going to rifle at all, or have any accuracy and STILL would probably explode in your hand.

I could see some sort of ceramic holding up for a few rounds. I am by no means a material expert, but I imagine there is something strong enough out there.

What are you going to do with 1-2 shots from a small caliber weapon?

You’re obviously not going to be taking over a plane anymore…everyone already knows that outcome and will do whatever to stop it.

Remember the movie In the line of fire…plastic gun was used to try and kill the president

Next were gonna start talking about magic bullets that disapear after you hit somebody with it.

OR PLASTIC bullets, Which were used, Research Blue-tips, they were used in Somalia. Mind you those were just the bullets themselves.

thats the movie we were talking about here, and brought up this post…

looks like a wiimote

Movie does not = Real Life.