Playstation 3

Some dude just sold his PS3 for 15K on ebay…Im really wondering if I should keep mine as a present for my bestfriend this x-mas haha.

You’d be crazy if you didn’t try to tripple/quadruple your money.

another one for 10.2K

and another for 7.8k

Bring it up in a conversation with your friend… which he’d rather have, a PS3, or a large sum of money. If he wants the PS3 and REALLY is your best friend, that would be an awesome gift. If he’s okay with money, hell yeah! Sell it, share the profit with him.

why is the price so high and why are people stupid enough to buy it for that much? I thought they were going to be like $800 or something. Imagine a year or so down the road, looking back at how much you spent on and what you could have bought instead. …

Those are people who really need to get a life.

AND have more money than brains! :stuck_out_tongue:

The big thing why they are selling for so much is becuz Sony cut their shipment to N.A. in half.

Only 400 000units where sent to all of N.A. …50% less than were expected.

…the other big reason ppl are going crazy for them is becuz there will not be another shipment before Christmas.

…so if you wanted to give one for a present…then you’re out of luck, the next shipment is edit: mid Spring.

that is the buy it now price for certain units…the most i have seen one go for so far is 5k so please correct me with links if i am wrong…

wow… imagine the people laughing at him for camping out to buy one… who’s laughing now :stuck_out_tongue:

links from another forum.

You don’t believe 15K…look at these.

The 15K I didnt get a pic of but this one I did just a little ago…

I can think of soo many other things that would bring me much more satisfaction,even for the 650 at wal-mart.Not to mention 2-15 grand on ebay.
At the same time I WANT IT! lol!

$820.00 CDN

10K buys you a decent 180sx.

I can’t even play mine regardless of selling or keeping becuz it’s a present.


OH MY ppl are fucking insane!!! :rolleyes:

I went to the Walmart in Sherwood Park yesterday to see if anyone was waiting outside. There were seven people and the manager said they had eight consoles. I could have been the eighth and got one… but waiting for 17 hours outside Walmart didn’t seem worth it… in hindsight maybe I should have stayed and made some quick cash.

how bout this…

^ That was kinda funny!

sigh sigh…

look at the bidders feedback… (1)

its some douche who wins it for the fun of it and never pays…

I’m disappointed I didn’t reserve like 4 of them, and then sell them off for double to triple the price. I would have done so too, but I was out of the country when the reserves went.

Im keeping it as a gift…I figure he wants it and Ive got it and its a fucking A+ gift that you cant get anymore unless you want to pay like 4grand.

…and he’s leaving to turkey for two months for work right after new years and he wanted it for over there cuz he’s going to be a huge nerd.

^^ that’s genuine dude. . .

man oh man. . .some people. . .30k american . . .that’s a brand new vehicle, a lot of mouths you could feed, etc. etc. etc.

:finga: rich people