Playstation 3

I just got back from the SEMA show in Vegas. They always have a Kicker freestyle motocross party outside in the parking lot of the Hard Rock. Anyways, we got tickets from someone to the Sony Playstation 3 party inside the Hard Rock. They had about 15-20 HD TV’s setup with PS3’s running Gran Turismo HD. I am not sure if these displays are in stores or not yet, but I got to play it on Tuesday and let me tell you its really impressive. I am not a video game fan anymore, but after playing it, I am really considering buying one. The graphics are just unreal. Anyone else get a chance to play it?

you do know that FYE Canceled their preorders right?

onto another topic:
This is whats happening in Burbank, CA
10 days in advance… who the fuck sits in a line for over a week? dont they have jobs?

fucking losers

thats just sick

Not to my knowledge. They stopped pre-ordering, but they didn’t cancel. They’re getting 6 in on the opening day as told to me by a manager, and they aren’t sure how often/many they’ll be getting after. Could be more that week, could be more the week before Christmas.

so people are selling them on ebay already for $1200+

I really want to pick one up to sell. But i dont know where to go and get one.

your only chance is best buy or shit like that… but you’d have to start camping out like the 15tth…

wait…so best buy didnt do preorders?

best buy never does preorders on consoles from what i here.

this is what happened with their “preorders”

damn, more reading about this thing makes it better and better. you can install linux or windows XP on it and use it as a computer instead of just a internet browser.

target is also not having preorders.

I dont think circuit city or wal-mart do ether. What about toysrus?

toys r us already had one, you missed out

yea, im trying to figure out what places i may still have a chance to get one at.

so am I …any ideas

camp at best buy starting the 15th?
buy one of mine? :slight_smile:

I know of a place where i may have a chance to get one…but i’ll…never…telllllllll…lol

Guys on ebay are asking over 3,000 for some of these. I don’t understand the big hurry.

anybody call that guy in shadyside that claimed to have some now…he is posting again…

from what i hear its legit! its a little store… someone bought one from there and the owner said that only Licenced sony dealers cant sell till 11/17,He isnt a sony dealer but was able to order from

its worth a try i guess. i was told They are a computer store in Shadyside at the end of
Walnut st in the plaza.

2 ps3;s coming, and 6 tmx Elmos. hope all goes to plan…