pls pray for foxinox

I’m sure most of you have not yet heard, or may not even know her… but yesterday, FoxiNox (the gf of TwiZted) was in a bad car accident on Clinton. Those of you that would probably know her are anyone who was lucky enough to hit up any this year’s past TwiZted Bashes! She’s an avid car fan… and is always checking out this site…

lets all keep the prayers coming…and maybe leave some messages for her to smile to when she gets home!

I dont have many details… but this is the last I heard…

She was in an accident yesterday about 4pm. She lost control and slid headfirst into a ditch then she somehow ejected out of the truck and it landed on her. GOOD NEWS IS Shes alive and will be able to walk and function correctly down the road.

BAD NEWS IS: Her leg is broken in two different spots. A cast can take care of this. Gonna be a full leg cast for about 6 weeks so she will not really be mobile. She also has a Fractured L1 Disc in her spine. luckily its low enough on her spine where it tails of to where it wont be a Major problem, But the bone is hitting a nerve which is giving her insane pain in her bottom of her feet. Pain meds are not really working to well so shes hurting all day long. Tomorrow or Friday morning she will be getting sugery on her spine. SO about a day after the sugery she will be able to see some ppl. For now shes just gonna take some time to herself and family.

I will post more info as I find out…



i hope she gets through this ok :frowning:


omg. thats not cool. thank god she’s going to be okay tho.

Brian, hope your doing ok with this man.

always wear your seatbelt.

such a shame to hear :frowning:


wow, she looks lucky to be alive.

Get well soon.



Good to hear shes ok.

Any idea on the cause of the accident?

no idea what happened… brian is one of my best friends, and me and Karlie are close as well… and he has been with her practically every second possible…

ill keep everyone updated with whatever I can…

no idea on what happened… just know that she lost control of the car…

thanks for the thoughts and prayers so far! keep them coming!

Karlie is a sweetheart:( hope shes gonna be ok, im trying to get a hold of Bri right now. this sucks :frowning:



ive gotten to know karlie very well over the past year…

i can only hope for the best and hope she gets through this

Best Wishes

Oh man, that isn’t good. She seemed like quite a good person the few times I met her. Here’s to hoping for a quick and speedy recovery, that is crazy though. :frowning:

Wow I hope she pulls through ok.

this is shitty to hear… :frowning: good luck

Karlie is one tough cookie… she will pull through…

when I did talk to Brian earlier… it seemed that even as bad as this all was…things could have been a lot worse…

had she landed a few feet over, had the car been a few feet higher on her body… all that kind of stuff…

besides the pain she is in, she is doing good… Brian seems to be in good spirits as well considering all they are going through…

like I said…he has been at her side each and every minute…so those of you that are trying to get through to him, probably will have trouble…

but I know she will enjoy the smiles, and wishes from everyone…so keep them coming…

and Im sure they will give brian a good smile or two as well!

thanks everyone

bummer, hope shes ok.