pls pray for foxinox


glad she is getting better. Bri, make sure she takes it easy on the pain meds. Lortab/ Hydrocodone has a lasting effect on some peoples lives. Feels too good. Keep a eye on her.


as long as she is having crazy ass nightmares she will stop. i dont even take half my script cause of them.

glad to hear its going better for you


glad she is getting better. Bri, make sure she takes it easy on the pain meds. Lortab/ Hydrocodone has a lasting effect on some peoples lives. Feels too good. Keep a eye on her.


Yeah I got pretty damn addicted to them :tdown:. I was poppin 50mg at a crack.

Best of luck to her in her recovery…it will be a long hard road but hopefully she makes it out 100% better.

Brian, let her know she’s in our prayers as well. Karlies a tough lil girl she’ll be ok thats not even a doubt. Jeez I havnt even seen you guys since last March at bellview when we had to take Karlies car to run back to mankos so he could get his ID!!

I got to see Karlie last night :slight_smile: woooooohooooo! She is deff looking great…and being a champ! Like everyone said… its going to be a long hard road… but she will make it! :slight_smile:

thanks to everyone for the presents, balloons, cards and flowers (there are so many she could open who own flower shop!)… it deff helps to know everyone cares!


Brian’s update number 2… from early friday afternoon…
She is out of surgery and in alot of pain. Surgery went well on her back and she has been resting since 11:30ish. She just peeked her eyes open said hi to me,smiled,said shes in alot of pain,and then all of this within 10-sec she went back to sleep. The doctors do not want any visitors here for a couple days. As soon as there allowed then i will let everyone know.

The leg surgery will be sometime soon. I guess they have not done it yet. She also decided to go with the Cast Soo she will be immobile till Mid January. So she wont be walking for awhile :frowning:

Ill update Tommaro again…

Brian’s update number 3… from tonight (saturday)

So they tried getting her up to walk today and its not going so hot. She is in a tremendous amount of pain. Def no visitors tomorrow. They think she will now be staying a little longer then expected because of the therapy. Which means sometime around Mon Or Tue she will be moving up a floor to the therapy floor. Then its a cpl days in there and hopefully home. Im to tired to type anymore or get into major details. This hospital stuff all day long everyday is starting to drag me down a little bit so im going to bed!

More updates to come

i didnt see this til now but at least u guys now have eachother, thats the strongest part of recovery

any other updates?


i didnt see this til now but at least u guys now have eachother, thats the strongest part of recovery

any other updates?




i didnt see this til now but at least u guys now have eachother, thats the strongest part of recovery

any other updates?


something about teammates, or a prarie dog or something.

other than that? dunno.


something about teammates, or a prarie dog or something.

other than that? dunno.



Get better!

shes home and doing well. it’ll be a long recovery but expected to be just the way she was b4 this

I stopped by there Saturday night…shes gimping around with a walker… deff in good spirits…and as Paul said… it will be a long road to recovery but she is on the right path! thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

thankyou for all ur love and suppot it means alot to me! def wear ur seatbelt tho, that was some scary stuff! but i feel great and havent even been taken pain meds so im gettin there! but thanks again, u guys are great!

good thing you have brian he’s a good guy.


good thing you have brian he’s a good guy.


Sounds like it. Helping someone through a situation like that is the measure of a good person. good that your ok …

dont ask about the pic b/c i dont know :gotme:

I missed this thread somehow…glad your doing well :slight_smile: