Poison Ivy

Playing in the woods too much :naughty:

wrist, face and neck :rant: :rant: :rant:

anything to speed up the recovery ??? :kekegay:

ivy dry. I don’t get it anymore but when i did that was the best stuff. it’s a clear liquid and usually dries it up in 2 days rather than 4-5.

poison ivy sucks

there goes your social life

my grandfather always used to scratch it open and put gasoline or bleach on it. took care of the poison ivy instantly but im pretty sure it will burn like hell.

go wack off :kekegay:

I bought one of those feet scrubber pads, Scratched it really good and used dawn soap :rofl: well, that helped for a few minutes :doh:

Jizz has vitamin C :naughty: I dont want smooth skin :finger:

Benadryl spray. I somehow got poison ivy last Sunday and it helped alot. Guy at work had it.

I had poison ivy last week from weed wacking my parents back hillside. Luckily my treatment has always been to add 2x the amount of chrlorine to our swimming pool then swim for 30 mins or so. Not only does it keep the pool clean, but it stops the poison ivy from spreading and kills it off in a couple days with minimal itching.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yeah i just got it too… what a pain in the ass

someone pick up the wrong leaves for some TP?

just 2 spots on the arm


I thought I was the only one. But I don’t use bleach. I scratch that shit open, via a wizzer wheel and rub salt into it. Burning sensation is alot more comfortable than itching…don’t take that the wrong way

you people are goofy. they have stuff that does not involve scratching it open and dumping shit into it that takes the itch and pain away quicker than the homemade solutions. just go to giant eagle and buy the shit, it’s much easier.


If you got insurance go to the hospital they have a steriod pack they will give you it will clear it up in a day

:rofl: I’ll pass

no idea… i’m immune to poison ivy/oak/sumac…


try some kind of topical anti-allergen… or cowboy up and jump in a hot tub and let it spread until you (and whoever else is in the tub) look like the Toxic Avenger… or is that what you do with chicken pox?