Poison Ivy

I have poison ivy on my ankle and its bother me to fuck, anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of it?

calamine lotion works great, thats all i used last year when i got it.

A buddy of mine used to soak a wash cloth in bleach/water mix then rub the poison ivy. I am not sure i would recommend this though

I had it on my hands and used paint thinner to dry it out. Calamine lotion works too if you have it. don’t use straight bleach, it will burn your skin (experience :D)

ax at the knee?:dunno:

then you’re doing it wrong

massage the infected area real good with your hands, then beat off and see what happens. i dont get it poisen ivy but someone said this works well.

Parts Cleaner works good at drying it out …

hot water on it relieves some of the iching… then calamine lotion works good.

If its just a little bit, then use old school pink calamine lotion.

If its spreading rapidly just go to the emergency room and get the steriod shot, that makes it go away in a day.


When i had it on my forearms, i dumped bleach on it and got an extremely bad infection. My arms swelled up twice the normal size, i seriously looked like popeye. The doctors told me that is the worst possible thing you can do. Bleach in your bloodstream could very easily kill you.

bleach is for pussies. real men would rub 14% sodium hypochlorite on it.

bleach = chemical burns = doctors lol

i heard if you scratch your nuts it takes it right away

I always used bleach, and it worked great…
Other option is to go to WalMart and get stuff called Oak’N’Ivy … they have several different products under that name… they all work really well…

the doctor is a waste of time, or atleast it was for me… the steroid shot didnt do a thing… i never get poison ivy bad… but the one time i did get it on my entire upper body last year, the shot didnt do shit!

The best thign for it is to get a soap called Fels Naptha (or something like that) its really hard to find… its a soap that ppl used for washing clothes back in the day, when they still washed on a washboard… rub that shit on the poison ivy, then wash it off, and in a couple days, you’re money… its just really really hard to find…

FYI this wouldnt do anything…u cant spread it from touching the area once the area has been washed…

especially if they added that with a little coke or pepsi directly b4 application

I got poison ivy , poison oak, or some shit last year cutting and stacking firewood. Calamine lotion did nothing for this particularly evil poison. I used this stuff called Ivarest. It worked well.

Best thing to do…scratch open bumps and rub with a rag with laqure thinner on it. It dries it out real quik and feels pretty good too

tell michael jackson that

that oaknivy shit is great… i use to get it real bad… if you want to expierence a feeling better then climaxing… fuckin get in the shower… get it real hot… really really hot… and let it hit the poisen ivy. it just fuckin is fantabulous… but diluted bleech always worked for me… i mean really diluted. bst of luck with it… i use to get it so bad i got it in my lungs… mmmmm fun times i tells ya

I’ve always likes scratching it open with either sand paper, or a roloc disc. then rub some salt in it. The burning isn’t as bad as itching, and when your done it will itch no more. Once the scab heals your done. I’ve been doing it this was for years. I get poisen ivy bad