When i get it I get it really bad. Spreads all over my face and (yah on my nuts, bad deal I might add) Go to the Doc. and get a shot. When I usually get it, even a small bit the doc gives me some werid pills and the shot. Think the pills are roids to so i dunno. Works everytime for me atleast.
some interesting facts also about poison ivy ive learned though the years also.
You can’t spread it to another person. PERIOD! I know everyone says it can but it cant.
Bleach is for retards.
And it only lasts for 12 days. nicknamed the 12 day itch. It will be gone in 12 days no matter how bad you have it. Its werid.
take bleach poor it over your ankle… take knife scrape it off.
Bleach always dries it out really quick… You could also you Aveeno oatmeal mix stuff… its supposed to dry it out fairly quickly if you dont want to go the bleach route. That ivy stuff they’re all talking bout … works wonders
800 grit.
hey you can borrow my razor and cut it out.
gasoline will dry it out nicely…
I cant waite to get poison ivy again so I can try this!!!
yeah I always cut mine open too
burning is more tolerable than itching
x infinity
You are correct about passing it to another person. The itch you get is actually an allergic reaction to the oils from the plants. Since they are oils, they tend to stick to you and your clothes. So it is actually the oils that are what gets passed… not poison… like a cold. Does that make sense? I usually get a little poison every year from doing hubby’s laundry. The oil is on his clothes then I grab them to wash them and get it on my arms or hands. Have some on my arm now.
That’s what my Dad always used… He gets it really bad.
you can also use Benedryl to take th eedge off the itchy but you will more than liekly just sleep thru the itch as oppossed to stopping the itch.
sandpaper + gas = no more ivy… thats the fast way… the medical way would be doctors shot or oak n ivy shit at walmart
i get it very bad. usually once a year. if i have a few bumps on my arm within a few days my body will be covered. it sucks because it will break open and seep forever. i’ve even had my eyelid swell shut. now if i get a few bumps, its straight to the doctors for me.
another factoid: you can still get it after clothes come into contact with a plant over a year later if not washed.
i did not read this whole thing but cvs sels this stuff called zanfel its 40 bucks a tube drys it up in a day works great
1.) drop your drawers
2.) pull out your stubby
3.) squirt on it.
Bleach, bleach, bleach,
take the hottest bath in the deapest water you can
scartch i open, soak it in dilooted bleach.
its very true, pi will not spread from 1 person to another.