WTF is this?

I decided to hold a paperclip for reference.

I’ve had this crap on my hand for a long ass time now (like 6 months) and it hasn’t bugged me for like a month, until today…

I tried like 10 different creams… nothing worked.

It basically flakes the skin away until it is raw… very raw flesh exposed… then it bleeds. Extremely painful and annoying. Itching/picking at it all day…

Anyone ever have anything like this? I was told it was scorisis (or something) and that hydro-chortisome cream would cure it… i used an entire tube of the crap on it, and it didn’t help at all.

exzema (sp)? or just severely dry skin?

thats wierd…i dunno man!

flesh eating bacteria?

:rolljerk:Masturbation STD?

Try putting like bag-balm or something like that on it at night (while you sleep) with a cotton glove overtop to keep it greased/moist all night. And apply a thing layer of hydrocortisone during the day a few times a day. I’ve had to do that in the winter before cuz of dry/cracked/bleeding knuckles.

or a skin allergy. my gf has a skin allergy that comes every fall. her hands get all dried and crack. she has to use some prescription steroid cream or something.

go see a dermatologist you freak :slight_smile:

exima or cericosis (sp) - i have the second one. it sucks. go to a dermotologist and get the hotness cream. it gets rid of it madd fast.

Aight… sounds like you guys have been through this before.


Compulsive hand-washer too eh??.. most likely anyway. If you want some clobetasol to hold you over until you get into the doc I may have some sample tubes laying around. lmk.

eh… i really dont wash my hands all that often. I think its bacteria from my hockey gloves… :lol:

It’s AIDs

Go to the freaking doctor, don’t ask here


talk to lucky cheater on that one

Was just thinking the same thing. Then this popped into my head…

yeah goto the doctor u post whore.

nobody wants to see ur diseases on here!!!


i dont beleive its psoriasis, as psoriasis shouldnt look that red around the edges, its only red under the dry skin

aint shit that “cures” psoriasis either … ive had it since the 5th grade and the only think that makes it go by by for me is tanning (welding tan nukes its gone better then sun does)

go to a dermitologist , they will take a sample and send it to the lab

and oh yea, psoriasis isnt realy painfull, just itches like all fucking hell

if it turns out that it IS psoriasis, tan naked ftw

BTW - It was a doctor that told me it was psoriasis… but she was a friend of mine and told me to try to HC cream, and then go to the dermo…

could be warts of some sorts as well


Could be the reoccurance of chicken pox, herpes zoster or shingles… which is a herpes virus but not neccesarily the STD virus…

Could also be eczema, “a disease that causes itchy, inflamed skin.”

whatever it is… dont scratch it… scratching will open up the wound for more infections, it could spread what you already have… also try to keep it dry…

:shrug: could be skin cancer :eek: probably not… but the point is… see your doctor… theres probably meds you can take for it…

I have the same exact shit on the top of my hand between the nuckles and it just flared up the past few days. nothing ive tried gets rid of it. tried bag balm, hydro-cortosone, neosporin. find out what the dermo says… id like to know.