posion ivy cures

well, i goit it on my left wrist. from whiping sweat off my face, i know got it showing on my face ion 1 spot.

i have been using technu for it–which usually works well if you catch it quick enough. i dont think i did this time.

any old wives tale to cure poison ivy?

I tried alot when I got it on my ankle. Shit from boiling water to paint thinner. I just kept scratching it open and getting all the shit of out it. It went away in about a week.

my old roommate used to soak a washrag in hot water and bleach. he would then rub it on the ivy. It looked painful but it would be gone in a few days.

Bleach FTW. Once you’ve got it, you’re kind of screwed. Bleach water does make it go away faster on me, at least. But still is a few days of hell.
Use “Ivy Block” before you go near woods in the future.
I mountain bike a ton, and used to live the whole summer with poison ivy somewhere (even had it in my ears, like, I mean IN my ears). Got it somewhere every time I went biking. With ivy block I only get it maybe once a year now. Giant Eagle sells it.

My grandpa stands by bleach. Dries it out right quick.

calamine lotion… they sell it now in clear so you don’t have to look like a pink faced homo… i had it on my left hand this season, put that shit on there and it was gone in 3 days. $5 at giant eagle.

Anything that will dry the skin out. My dad has been known to cure it with a little dab of gasoline, bleach, strong degreasers and strong alcohol. All you need to do is get it to dry out, you don’t want to rip it open.

After consulting my father about this he said gas worked the best BUT was painful and very stinky. :slight_smile:



Last time I got it, i tried the whole bleach bullshit. My arm instantly got infected from the bleach and swelled up to twice its size. Think about it, you are putting BLEACH into your bloodstream! Just go to the hospital and get the shot, after i got that it was gone in almost a day.

cvs pharmecy sells a product called zanfel its 40 bucks a tube but it dries that shit out in a day or 2, i beleive that they also sell a cvs brand copy that is like 25 bucks

same thing happend to knauff

my vote is brake cleaner, its a cureall.


or get calamine lotion… being that it was designed to dry out poison ivy… brake cleaner does have the nifty spray nozzle for easy application though.

You aren’t supposed to pour it into an open wound. You aren’t supposed to rip the poison ivy open.

If you pour bleach on it (when it isnt ripped open) it will dry the skin and drain the fluids out of the spot.

Like in Big Fat Greek Wedding, spray Windex on it… j/k
And I second the “not putting straight bleach on an open wound”. That ain’t smart. Putting any of the stuff mentioned on the open sores is dumb. You’ve got to get to it before the puss-sticky-oozing-shit stage.
My poison ivy laughs at calamine. I need the industrial strength stuff. My best cure is prevention with the Ivy Block.

i’ve triedcarb cleaner or a concentrated degreaser. also did the scratch it open and dump bleach on it thing too. swimming in a pool should help.

Bleach works, but not such a great idea if it’s torn open… scratching it till it’s flowing is what spreads it, makes it worse, and opens possiblity of getting it in your blood stream… Had that happen in High School, ended up almost 95% covered (yes balls and all) had to be put on steriods to kick it… everysince then (I’ve become highly allergic can get a rash without touching it!) I bleach it as soon as I see it and it’s gone fast… well after a few days of bleaching and getting it to dry out.

X2…chlorine usually dries that stuff up too.

scratch it open and rubbing alcohol

thats what i’ve always done… I got poison ivy REALLY bad a few years ago to the point of which i couldnt move…

havent gotten it since and i’ve been in woods and everything fishing… :dunno:( even rubbing up against it)
is it possible to come immune to it?

I walked thru some wierd lookin plants a few weeks ago to get to a fishing spot and almost instantly both my legs felt like they were on fire… So much pain, burning so bad… and the pain only went away if i kept scratching it… legs got swollen and red, but after about a half hour everything was back to normal… I dunno wtf i walked thru…

1 razor blade + your avatar = teh cure