Police Brutality in Braddock

yet another criminal who becomes the victim.

the cop shouldn’t hit him, but i can’t feel bad for a guy who was robbing someone either. he deserves it.

I wouldnt put my life on the line for $8.50 a hour… and there was no need for him to be “jumpy” the suspect was in handcuffs. It has nothing to do with breaking the law… just like yesterday a state cop was totally ridding my ass for no reason, I had my crusie controll on and was doing the speed limit exactly… there is no reason for it. If I even tapped my brakes he would have hit me… maybe next time if I have the balls, ill do it… They think they rule the world…

Nope, they are just here to keep it safe for people who follow the rules

I just dont think you guys understand that I hope the guy gets what he deserves also… I dont want anyone breaking into my house and im sure none of you do either… he committed a crime and was caught, he will pay his price for that crime… but at the same time he was also a victim of police brutality… I dont care how you word it, or how you feel about it… it is what it is…


I am tired of criminals finding any excuse to be a victim.

And that wasn’t really brutality, it was a little shove. :smiley:

The way I look at it, the criminal got his punishment (being punched by the cop, since he won’t get any real punishment in court) and the cop got punished for punching the guy by getting put on leave.

By the way, the cop hardly hit him, I have been hit harder by my sister.

ok switch it around then… you get pulled over for something you know you didnt do… you get angry and give the cop a little love tap… ull be arrested faster than you think. You also will get a WAY heavier charge than the cop would get for hitting a citizen.

RIGHT! so since yoru not willing to put your life ont eh line for $8.50 an hour, that measn that SOMEONE else has to do it! So in my book if this cop wants to make up his minimum wage by giving a little love tap to some asshat who was breaking the law then more power to him! dont break the law and you wont have to worry about cops. dont drive a suped up supra and you wont get noticed/ harrassed by the cops and you probably wouldnt have a problem with them.

My car is stock, other than a little louder exhaust note… this has nothing to do with my Supra… I was in my Denali anyways. Exactly my point… anyone that puts their life on the line for $8.50 an hour is just plain uneducated, hence why you have so many situations like this one were discussing here. You rarely hear anything like this from State Troopers… they are actually educated people that know what they can and cannot do… Anyone can get a local police job, not so much a state trooper job. its the local police that always have issues.

the criminal didnt find a reason to become a victim, he became a victim when he got punched.

Does anyone here know any cops personally?..They do dumb shit all the time, and bc of the badge its ok…um no.

I know plenty of cops…they all do dumb things. Agreed that they are humans under the blue collar…but is it excusable any more if you or I were to do it…NO!

That punch was bullshit. He wasnt resisting…wasnt causing a scene. He got caught and knew it. end of story. The cops did thier job, arrested him. end of story…it should have gone no further than that.

I hope the next time one of you guys go racing down 28 or where ever, get caught, arrested and punched in the face for being a douche bag and putting others in danger on the road.

I mean honestly…whats wrong with a lil shove?

have you never seen Super Troopers. :smiley:


:rofl: :rofl:

I do no wrong and therefore have no problem with cops. :slight_smile:

and the few times I was pulled over, I was calm and never had a problem. If you act like an asshole ,you deserve a little love tap from a cop. Who knows what he was saying to the cop?

He is allowed to say anything he wants to the officer as long as he is not threatening him, the officer cannot do anything about it.

maybe it was like that soccer player who headbutted that guy for saying somethign about his mother or something. you run your mouth, you get hit, end of story.

true… and I agree… but it dosent make it legal…

[QUOTE=77rednecktruck;620258]I do no wrong and therefore have no problem with cops. :slight_smile:

and the few times I was pulled over, I was calm and never had a problem. If you act like an asshole ,you deserve a little love tap from a cop. Who knows what he was saying to the cop?[/QUOTE]

but it doesnt give him any legal rights to take matters like such in his hands.

He is the law…therefor he must serve and obey the same laws!!

the fact that he makes as much as i do…doesnt give him any right the hit someone.
thats like saying a volunteer fire man has the right to punch you in the face for having faulty wires in your house and causing a fire.

the cop is making $8.50 and works 8hr days 5 days a week…

a fireman works 8 hr days 5 days a week (on an average job), PLUS fights fire 24/7 with no pay…

I think the judge should personally kick him in the ass for making the system look like a bunch of ass wipes!!

Thats why I don’t drive like an ass and when I do get pulled over I am completely respectful and try to put myself in their situation. I don’t make any sudden moves, I tell them what I am doing with I reach for my wallet/glovebox, etc. And you know what? I have always received respect back and I have never been issued a ticket.

Like I said above, if you show respect and follow the laws, you will get respect in return. And when you make blanket statements like “all local cops are uneducated”, that shows that you have zero respect for the police.