Police Brutality in Braddock

I’m sure it went down without the criminal doing anything. Just the way for the news to turn the criminal into a victim.

Just like how no one really saw what happened before the camera turned on and caught the Rodney King beating. He was stopped after running from the cops, resisting arrest, trying to grab their weapons, then the camera went on.

Point being, you see the cop hitting the guy and putting him into the cruiser, doesn’t mean it wasn’t warranted.

My buddy went to school for being a cop and he wanted to be a state trooper, and do you know how hard it is to be a state trooper. First off, there are way less state troopers then regular cops, and regualar cops put up with more BS then a trooper would, all they do is pretty much catch speeders and sit on the highway. But you cant compare state troopers to regualar cops. They deal with completly dif. situations, there is alot more stress on reg. cops. My point is that you cant call regular cops uneducated, and thats y they always get into situations, they are the ones alway dealing witht the situations.

I didnt get to see the video but i think the guy got what he deserved. Like ppl where saying earlier the guy will probally just get a fine and thats it, and plus no one is afraid cops anymore alot ppl just laugh at them think there job is a joke anymore… It seems to me ppl look for cops to hit them so they can make a quick buck and sue them and get to be on T.V…


no you are missing the point.

I just don’t care. :bash:

I don’t drive like an asshole, I got one ticket in my Supra in the 6 years I have owned it and that was from a State Trooper, the guy was really nice and I was in the wrong, never compained about it once. Your right, I don’t have any respect for local police, there all pigs… u can call me ignorant all you want… thats my opnion and im entitled to it. This case shows exactly why I feel the way I do about them. Chances are a State Trooper would not even think about doing something like that, because he is educated.

then leave the thread…

And how do you know he wasn’t threatening him? Are you an expert at reading lips through the back of someone’s head with no audio?

Bottom line no one knows exactly what happened in that situation except the criminal and the cops right there. The only thing caught on tape was the visual aftermath.

As an ex-Braddock cop I can see this from 2 points of view.

1.)The guy was unprofessional. He should be charged with a disorderly conduct just as a civilian would be. It was unprofessional, but we have all made unprofessional mistakes, it just happens to be when your a cop its usually physical.

2.)If that cop struck the guy who just raped my sister and had unpaid leave, I would pay his salary for that time period for his vacation. Hopefully he learns from his mistake and returns to his position - a VERY hard position at that. Those guys down there see more than you could EVEN IMAGINE. Fuck the hustlers and POS shit shooting each other, try going to a call where kids are involved. Fucks with your head after a while. A little street justice never hurts anyone.

free country :dunno:

If he was indeed threatening him, then he would get arrested for it… again, no need for assult… plus, even if he did threaten him… he was ALREADY DETAINED in handcuffs… so the officer would just have to add that onto his charges… no need for assult… this is not rocket science here buddy.

2… Still… it does not matter what crime the criminal does… unless he strikes the officer, the officer does not have the right to assult him. I totally agree with you that if he raped my little sister I would want his ass beat till he was dead… but the law is the law, the courts will punish him, its not the officers job to do that…

boys boys…fight nice!!!

this conversation is going way beyond the point of matter.

ZEXaccord made a valid point…Those guys down there see more than you could EVEN IMAGINE!

Ive been through Braddock ave a Million times, I still lock my doors the min I get off rankin bridge until i get off the tri bourogh.

Its not north hills…or mt pleasant. that area is for real “ghetto” to all extents.

I agree that cops in those types of areas have to be more strict than say “township” cops…but wrong is wrong.

I would not want to mess with one of those guys bc they have to be so high strung from dealing with bs all day I can see how they can be a dick if they have to pull you over for something pety and have already had a bad day half an hour into there shift.


You think that just because he is in handcuffs he can’t do anything to the officer?

Holy fuck you need to go work along side of those guys and see the shit like Zexcord stated. I worked in Ghetto EMS full time and still do it casual. It’s a whole different world down there. Chirst I used to get shot at when I was working on the ambulance full time over 5 years ago.

no one held a gun to your head and said you have to work in this area… it comes with the territory…

Again someone has to do it and there are still people dealing with it. It’s so easy for people like you to critize from outside the picture, quarterbacking the situations all based on what you see on the “reliable” nightly news.

I still don’t understand how SP71Supra can make the blanket statement that all local cops are uneducated. That would be like me saying that all supra owners are insecure pricks who drive wanna-be super cars to compensate for something. I know that claim is not true (well…not 100% true) so I don’t make that generalization about all supra drivers.

Not true… if the police dept shuts down, it becomes State Police patrol… It is easy for me to critize them… I hate them… so when they do something wrong, im all over it. They are all crooked… at least in my hometown area they are.

For example… This past spring I was drinking at Reddawgs in Rostraver… there were 2 off duty Rostraver officers at the bar until closing… we were all wasted, we decided to go to Dennys after the bar before we went home. So we pull into Dennys… turns out both of the officers went to Dennys also. We were right behind them. The officers were right about to open the door to go into dennys, when a guy and his girlfriend were also walking in. The one officer being totally drunk said something to the guys girlfriend. She told him to shut the fuck up… the officer did not like it and pushed the guy… the guy pushed him back and the officer tackled him into the outside door. Lone behold the on duty Rostraver police pull into dennys with their lights on… and arrest the girls boyfriend… they put him in the back of the car… meanwhile when he was in the back of the car, the off duty officer who was wasted, pointed and tapped on the rear of the cop car window and laughed right in his face… he did it like 3-4 times until the on duty cop seen it, pulled him aside and told him he cant be doing shit like that. So the on duty cops tell the off duty cops to just go home… the off duty cops were stumbling to their cars laughing… the on duty cops let them drive out of there completely smashed and the girls boyfriend went to the station… please explain to me how that works??? I seen it with my own eyes…

SP71 - your lack of education in law enforcement is showing. If the guy resisted to the officer pushing him into the car, the force continuum says the next step is pepper spray. That pussy got slapped in my opinion, hardly a blow to the face. In those regards, I would say he got off easy not getting tazered or sprayed.

Yes he should be punished. I’m not a judge nor jury, but a “punch in the nose” is usually only charged as a disorderly conduct. In that case, charge the officer with the crime, he has a clean record i’m sure, so let him pay the fine and carry on.

Emotional intelligence is a huge factor of being a police officer. Considering 90% of the U.S. population is illiterate in emotional intelligence, its hard to find a well rounded personality that is willing to make $8/hour working in Braddock. Pieces of shit down there don’t pay their taxes, so they don’t get “high-end” officers. Comes with the territory my friend.

If I make a professional mistake at my job b/c I’m flustered about something, and it is affecting my logical thinking - there is a great possibility I will make a mistake. Punch someone in the face? -NO. It will be a mistake on paper. Unfortunately when a cop makes a mistake it is much more drastic and a criminal offense. Lighten up on the guy as we don’t’ know his personality. Maybe he is a POS or maybe he isn’t and had a bad day. You need to have a more open mind when dealing with limited facts or to any type of person with any intelligence you will sound like a tard.

Not trying to put you down, just giving some views on the field. There are 3 other cops on this forum - perhaps they will chime in as well.

I just get so frustrated with my local police departments… its sooo corrupt you wouldnt even know… well maybe you would… but you get my point. Read the story I posted above about the night after the bar.

When I watched the video, it didnt seem that he was resisting…