Police Brutality in Braddock



well said.

i would actaully disagree to the fullest extent. city cops and high crime area cops let so much slide becasue 1) they need people to owe them favors in the form of tips of other stuff and 2) they have bigger fish to fry. its the township cops that get the hard on eveytime they pull someone over because 1) thats is their cash cow and 2) they don’t see much real high presure action so they gotta take their agression out in some way.

well…yeah i guess your right.

again as previously stated you have a video without audio. So you only saw the end result.

As for your comment about the state police coming in, I’m not talking about the police department. I was refering to some one has to work the AMBULANCES and that is what I used to do full time. I shouldn’t be getting shot at especially when I can’t carry any type of weapon for self defense. In PA there is no back up to the local community ambulance services that are state run. So for you to say oh well part of the job, basically tells me you think its ok for these assholes to shot at me (or any ambulance or fire personnel) for what ever is justified in there mind.

You suck, go back to playing dress up and tea party with your beagles.



no… I agree with you, there is no reason to shoot at a medic… thats what crackheads do, lol…

how did this turn into an ambulance rant?


Because I was refering ealier to working along side with the police in these areas and knowing what they deal with. I used to worked in that area on the ambulances full time.

ok, cause this is about cops, not ambulance people. :slight_smile:

Yeah thanks for pointing that out Mr obvious. Did you just leave the tea party as well?


I didnt get invited to the party :hs:


the pants party?

no tea party for me :frowning:

Living in the area i know exactly which cop that is, he’s one of the pricks that likes to fuck with random people, a friend of mine was restrained and searched while simply standing on the sidewalk in front of his house waiting for his mother to pull up.

You can clearly see the guy was in the process of getting in the car, this is what gives all cops a bad name, and makes you realize why even good citizens don’t like cops.
Fuck cops plain and simple
Fuck low lives like the guy and his girlfriend, he didn’t get shot by the owner(lucky) so let the law deal with him. Hopefully that cop loses his job

again, the force continuum states

if verbal orders are not met, an officer can continue on to the next step - physical action. I’m betting this is what happened here.