smart man
“dehumanizing”… you think a plastic mask is worse than shooting a cop in the face??? fuck that idiot bitch…
All I have to say is until u do there job then u can make ur opinion. Yes some cops are assholes but more then likely they have a good reason to be. When a cop pulls u over he doesnt know u or when he is called to a call he doesnt know the people. I look at it as be stuck in a dark alley with another person u dont know. What would u do Im sorry but its me first fuck the other person. And just like bravada said u fuck with a friend ur going to get fucked up. That basturd should have gotten his fuckin ass beat alot harder then that. In my opinion he got off easy. And as for ur comment monte SS whats ur problem with cops? I bet ur one of the assholes who hates cops because he pulls u over for shit u shouldnt be doing or makes u leave an area u shouldnt be at. Either way Im sure the cop is doing what he supposed to be doing.
…wait…he shoots a cop in the face…jumps out of a 3rd story window to escape…and comes in swollen and his family is outraged!!! granted, he got knocked around pretty good, the family is being selfish, “who cares about the dead guy, my baby is got beaten up”. They are defending this killer? thats nuts. He probly tried to fight the police trying to arrest him. If i was the cops, i would have been like, “thats how we found him, he landed face first out of the window” :dunno:
So wait, no one decides who lives or dies “down here” unless its someone who decides to kill a police officer, then its alright. Are you fucking retarded?
i don’t get how people like bics say the shit they do. u too^^^ like wtf…ok he shot a cop…a cop is an ordinary person like you and i employed to “protect and serve”…protect who? everytime the cops have appeared over here in my neighborhood they are making shit worse…and zex your a bit out of line for the “should have hang him” comment…this country itself is fucked up…a bit worse than others. I don’t know who is into church or the bible on this board but honestly…who are we to judge people? and as for Karma…what goes around comes around…and it keeps on going around until someone mans up and puts a stop to the bullshit by being the better individual. You fuckers curse me because of my opinion…i’m glad u all get ur panties in a bunch because of my simple words. Put him in jail for life…take away his freedom…that will do more damage than some redneck cops beating on him ever could. PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS…doesn’t matter if your a cop or a regular citizen…the police are just a system of control because somewhere along the line someone realized that people are stupid and can’t control themselves…both the cops and that man are perfect examples of that…self control people…hurting someone else doesn’t make things better it only creates a bigger problem. Somebody shoots your cousin…you know who it is and you turn around and end up killing them…you get caught and also go down for murder…this guy gets off free cuz he is dead…but it’s you that has the three children at home that’ll grow up without daddy. People can’t think before they act and that applies to A LOT of people on here if not everyone including myself
^^^^ why would the guy be in a situation to shoot a cop??? i would say he was doing something wrong.
i think he got what he had coming to him
On June 27, 2006, a jury found Esteban Carpio guilty of the murder of Detective Sgt. James L. Allen and the stabbing of Madeline Gatta. The jury rejected Carpio’s insanity defense and faces life imprisonment without parol.
why are we paying for his useless ass by our tax dollars, just kill the fucker…
i don’t get how people like bics say the shit they do. u too^^^ like wtf…ok he shot a cop…a cop is an ordinary person like you and i employed to “protect and serve”…protect who?
To protect pieces of shit for $8.00 an hour and some crack head decides to take his life. Slaughter that animal.
everytime the cops have appeared over here in my neighborhood they are making shit worse…and zex your a bit out of line for the “should have hang him” comment…this country itself is fucked up..
First and foremost Logic lets get something straight here. I believe that any person who commits felony murder should be hung or worse if our federal government allowed it. How is this country fucked up? Leave if you don’t like it and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Maybe if you didn’t live in North Braddock you would have a different outlook in life. I was a cop in Braddock for a bit under 2 years and am not afraid to admit it.They want us to protect the people shooting at our police stations, cars, cops? Fuck them. Cops are positioned in society to protect the innocent. Nothing is fair for criminals I will admit, and I also agree that it works great the way it is. If cops were all pussies they would be getting shot, fought, ect. on a much more frequent basis. I give mucho respect to the officers WHO RISKED THEIR CAREERS for beating that fuckers ass(in respect to the officer down). I’m sure they were well aware of the possible consequences of their actions also.
Put him in jail for life...take away his freedom...that will do more damage than some redneck cops beating on him ever could. Haaaa....They should have shot him in the face point blank in front of his piece of shit mother getting carried out. You think she ever once thought of the family of that officer? Put him in jail for life so society can pay $40K+++++ a year to keep him incarcerated. How stereotypical of you to say they were "rednecks". I think you need to broaden your horizon and get out of North Braddock.PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS…doesn’t matter if your a cop or a regular citizen…the police are just a system of control because somewhere along the line someone realized that people are stupid and can’t control themselves…both the cops and that man are perfect examples of that…
Oh yesss!!! Finally you ARE right!! We should pull all the cops from areas like Braddock, N. Braddock, Hill District so those people can massacre themselves.
People can’t think before they act and that applies to A LOT of people on here if not everyone including myself
I definitely think before I act and I’m sure a majority of the people on this board that I know do as well.
:finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2:
well put jack
You are either the stupidest person alive, or you have the emotional maturity of a 6 year old.
Let me guess, you’ve had past problems or run ins with cops?
I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, this fucking piece of shit deserved the ass beating he got. He should consider himself fortunate that he didn’t get killed.
This is part of the problem with the country anymore. Kids in school hit teachers, talk shit, etc… because they know, or think they know, that nobody can hit them or punish them. Parents think “Time Out” is a great alternative to beating their kid when they do something really REALLY wrong.
This guy shot and killed a police officer in a courtroom for absolutely no reason, and all he got was an ass beating? He should consider himself lucky that he got off that easy.
Both have shown themselves to be animals, I dont condonewhat the crminal did, but in ur sad eyes I do???, but the Police for is paid to uphold the law in a professional manner, not take it into there own hands. I think that falls under being a vigilante.
Police did there job the caught him. But I do believe he should be put to death through the system!
A cop that is being paid that loses his composer and drops to his level is just as bad, just has a badge.
The point is this pile of shit killed an innocent man with family and all he got was a face stompin and a life sentence…I would say he got off fairly easy if you ask me…and i could care less about all your bullshit about going through the system…all that fuck got was a beatdown…big fuckin deal
zex you were a cop in braddock? how long ago? there are new cops over here all young and all dumb. and i haven’t lived in N. Braddock my whole life i’ve been in better and i’ve been in worse. Everyone has “run ins” with the cops…fortunately mine have been limited to tickets and thats it. The emotinal maturity of a 6 year old?? No i just hate how people are so bold and think that they can judge someone else and punish them accordingly. Nobody down here is better or worse than the next man…their actions may be but thats about it. I say let God sort em out but those are just my beliefs. Everyone is filled with rage at a point in their life, me for example when my brother got shot last summer…everyone knew who did it…when i went to where it happened 5 minutes after i found out i was carrying a .357…even as pissed off as a i was i left it in the car…good thing because the place was swarming with cops. And before someone thinks i’m some pistol toting punk i’m not…first and only time i EVER laid hands on my mothers gun. They finally catch the kid that shot my brother and now they want to give him a PLEA BARGAIN…but cops do their job right? Another thing…and zex i remember you getting banned for a “pure tasteless post”…so you honestly don’t think before you act. This debate can go on an on like the one about racism did a while back but if your going to argue back do it respectfully(this isn’t e-fight) 40k+ a year to keep him in jail…maybe the jails should be downgraded a few bumps and the money put somewhere else. And the reason i said this country is fucked up is because the word freedom over here is overrated…sure we don’t have crazy fuckers running around with rocket propelled grenade launchers and ak47’s but all the problems over here are 9 out of 10 somebody elses mess. The so called Oil Crisis–something we(citizens) didn’t cause. Poverty–all this money is being used to fight in the middle east towards rebuilding and feeding them…did anyone see how long it took them to get a bottle of water to a major American city(the Katrina incident)
Taxes–either you hate them or don’t care…either way they get you coming and going. If we are spending so much damn money for “protection” then why they hell does is seem like certain areas aren’t having much done? Zex i’ve expanded my view…i’ve stayed at friends houses that live in the “mostly white” neighborhoods or ones where the black tend to be upstanding do-gooders and i get frowned upon cuz i don’t drive a 45k+ car or because i have a “thump” coming from my trunk. Maybe everyone should stop trying to judge people and get on with their lives? Nobody is perfect so how can your judgment of someone else be perfect? I’ll give you a choice…the red pill or the blue pill…mankind as a whole is digging itself deeper and deeper into a hole. There are smart individuals out there with the right ideas but everytime they speak them they get the hush-hush treatment. here’s an idea…all these murderers and such that we spoke about earlier…send all those “wastes of life” off to fight everytime we get in a war…that’ll fix a lot of them…you want to murder…well go against some people who want to do that very same thing.This is almost a useless debate…people are blind to what really goes on outside of their little suburbia…and someone elses right is some other persons wrong.
Oh yesss!!! Finally you ARE right!! We should pull all the cops from areas like Braddock, N. Braddock, Hill District so those people can massacre themselves.
:doh: You do realize these areas are pretty much 98% black…North Braddock isn’t nearly as bad as the hill district. “Those people” makes you sound a tad racist. You named three neighborhoods…two of which cannot even be counted to be as nearly as bad at the hill district…why don’t you try lincoln/homewood/the hill/north side instead…and pull the cops? are you dumb? there are innocent people that live in these places…namely women and children…how about they pull the cops from where you live so all the drug dealers and shit can find out and move on in…how would you feel then? think your family is safe at home? :asshole
I’m not condoning what the idiots involved in that situation did…dude was wrong and so were the cops…doesn’t the law say someone will be fairly judge in a court of law and not in some beat-em-down room?