Police Officer Charged With Racing Unmarked Squad Car

(copied from JDMR)

BHAHAHAHAH looks like OPP is handing down the law on their own kind lol


Police Officer Charged With Racing Unmarked Squad Car
Friday August 14, 2009
CityNews.ca Staff
A police officer has been charged with racing after he was allegedly clocked at a high rate of speed - while behind the wheel of an unmarked squad car.

The OPP were patrolling the area around Peterborough by air on Thursday when they spotted the vehicle.

The unidentified boy in blue, who is a member of Durham Regional Police, was heading north on Highway 115.

An OPP officer on the ground pulled him over, and impounded the vehicle for seven days. The accused, a ten-year veteran of the force, has had his driver’s licence suspended for the same amount of time.

A 34-year-old male has been charged with:

Race a Motor Vehicle.

good!!! lol stupid dumbass

ahahha good job

This story can’t be right??? Police officers are perfect drivers, they never break the law!!!

You know all these stories are bullshit.

Keeps the public calm.

lol, nice to see. hwy 115 is deadly for cops thats where i got one of my speeding tickets that they wouldnt drop at all. even in court.

always thought that too. Makes me wonder if its true or false

^ same

imo unless they release names. its not true -__- i bet cops get pulled over show the badge and home free to go… maybe a warning .

if the story is true, then that sucks for that cop. Desk work is his new best friend!!

why would they call him a “boy”

True: unidentified officer = fictitious officer.

Kind of like those 17 kids that were taken down for alledged terrorism by the RCMP in the heat of 911… They were subsequently all released because the charges were always bullshit.

Engineered propoganda


What really happened:

Officer: Did you know you were speeding?
Speeder: yes, this is my badge, im an officer.
Officer: A slap on the wrist is all you get but we’ll still get this published to keep the public from suspecting we dont punish our own kind by not providing names.
Speeder: Genius. winks and drives away

we will never know the truth, i have actually spoken to my ex/s uncle who was a cop, and his story for something like this was -

" it is very rare you would see an officer going 150+ not in their police car - if that happens, they may get pulled over but at that time, they would more than likely get off that ticket " you never know who is who on the road if they are in their personal car, if they are in their squad car they may never get pulled over no matter what the case - they could just say they were pursuing a speeding vehicle and there was no traffic around so they didnt need to put their lights on… there are a million excuses to say -

think about it logically, if you work for an insurance company/ice cream/video game store/ or the bank… every job has its perks… and i would assume that police in their own region are pretty safe when it comes to tickets -

breaking the law, is breaking the law

whats makes you so much better than me?

think in that sense

Chris, it just means that every job has its perks. I agree with it.

It’s like getting a discount on food at Harvey’s.

In this case, the officer is getting a “discount” on what would have been a ticket.

If he goes out and murders someone however, that’s a different story.

Nah bro. I get what Chad is saying 100%. Still, not right. As well, it’s illegal.

What more is there to say?

Getting a fuckin dollar off food where you work as opposed to gettin off scott free for speeding or whatever. HUGE difference. Different ball game guys.

Police…are mafia. Pretty much just how it is in the movies. I know cops, fuck, we all do. Everyone has a different story. The ones I know well. Well, a few are straight, a few are not.

Grease the palms boys. It’s all about the mighty dollar.

my aunt is internal affairs for durham region and i live in ptbo she said the officers do not get tickets instead they get 5year demotion on the force humiliation of there co-workers and lose up to $30,000 in pay in the end that is a much larger fine then the public gets


don’t take offence. But I do not believe that one bit.

And if it is true. all the more reason for pigs to fuck around and be crooked.