The media it trying desperately to spin this into more cop hate, but so far everyone I’ve talked to has had no problem with it once they know the backstory.
The guy starts the day robbing a convenience store, goes to a church and sets it on fire, then goes to walmart and steals a 30-30 rifle and ammo. He proceeds to ignore police orders to drop the gun, points the gun at police at one point, and fires one shot in the air. As police are following him he’s heading straight toward a busy business section of town where 100’s of people are working.
Then this happens:
Guy ends up in the hospital for a couple days, then is released to police custody. IMO, way to go for the cop ending a potentially horrific situation quickly with little to no risk to anyone except the asshole with the gun.
No problem with the cop hitting him, but how could the cop see behind the wall / fence that he plowed into? Pretty careless as there could have been an kid, innocent bystander, garden gnome, etc. taken out.
there were other cops up ahead, and this guy was shooting off rounds walking down the road… I’m almost positive there were no children playing behind that fence…
Just another example of Police brutality…couldn’t they have just asked him to calm down? Put the gun down Please, and all go get ice cream after the suspect apologized and obviously meant it?