Political Debate

Then Bush and his oil rich family don’t make any money! Cant have that now can we! :ugh2:

Why do you think HE invaded IRAQ??

I actually agree with everything you said, except the gas guzzling tax

I wanted Darkstar for President yesterday, but he can be your running mate.

ShalerPunk for President

The fact is that Iraq violated 14 U.N. sanctions… sanctions in which Saddam was asked to provide a list of weapons development in his country. He wasn’t even forced to disarm! Just a list. Of course he didn’t provide them. What did he have to hide if he is such a righteous dictator? :rolleyes:

So why did the U.S. go into Iraq without the help of the U.N.? Three words, “Oil for Food”

Read this… http://abcnews.go.com/sections/WNT/...f_040420-1.html

Inetersting how Kofi Annan, the one who called the U.S. invasion of Iraq “illegal,” has monetary ties to Saddam.

link doesn’t work

team kerry vs team bush football game?

That’s not what I remember :naughty:

ooo lah lah :hitit:



-never said he was a righteous dictator.

-after Oil for Food program ended, Bush took things into his own hands

read, official UN site, not just what the american media feeds you

-next time post links that work

thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. Lets give rich people more money! What something a rich person is not lacking? Money! If a millionaire has 20 million dollars in his bank account, do you think that if he gets an extra million back from a tax cut, he’s gonna go “OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!” and go out and blow it or re-invest it? Fuck no, hes gonna put it in his bank account and do nothing with it. Now, if you were to spread that million dollars out over 10 middle class families who are struggling to make it every day, that 100,000 will immediately be spent on something like cars, houses, college educations… Which is just putting it right back in rich peoples pockets anyways.

If there should be any tax breaks, it should be for the middle class. However, what we really need to do is cut out about half of the redundant bureauacricies this country has, reduce the size of the federal government by about half, and those billions of dollars to pay off the national debt, pay for a national healthcare plan, and then eventually eliminate the federal income tax alltogether (which, if you remember correctly, was only supposed to be temporary to fund WWII)

this isnt an insult, but i dont think you understand economics

I’m gonna say it one more time!!

Trickle down can work, but only when and IF it ever happens…and it usually doesn’t especially in a time of a bad economy…LIKE NOW!

i think i’m done in this thread cause some of you people are like talking to a brick wall :bash:

also there is a difference between economics & common fuckin sense


You think that giving MORE money to the 5% that control 90% of the money is a good idea, and I dont understand Economics? I understand economics just fine thanks. THey already have all the countrys fucking money. Whats giving them a little bit more gonna do? Jack shit. Giving more money to people that already have more money than they know what to do with it gonna spark some sort of economic revolution? :ugh:

This counrty doesnt need ANY tax cuts right now.


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 01 Oct 2004 at 07:32:54 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 294,419,005
so each citizen’s share of this debt is $25,069.90.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.63 billion per day since September 30, 2003!


the federal government just keeps getting bigger and bigger. When the founding fathers set up this country, the federal government was just supposed to help the states. The states were supposed to have all the power. Now look at us. The federal government is a bloated, inefficent pig of a corporation. Its needs to be downsized, badly.

I agree less government, but unfortunately an extra dollar in the average joe’s pocket isnt going to go very far, compared to its capability in the richer mans pocket.

I dont’ really agree with an income tax break for the rich, but i do heavily believe in a tax break for corporations and what not

or sole proprieties.

Never said you did…

Try these…


In some cases, the media is where you hear about the good stuff. Did Nixon advertise Watergate? Of course not… So why would the U.N. put this scandel on their homepage. “Attention: We are a corrupt governing body.” What an awesome group of people, scamming money from humanitarian aide funds… :finger2: It’s irrelevant the time that the scandel ended.

-Next time post comments that work.

explain to me how a dollar in the pocket of a man with empty pockets is goning to do less than an extra dollar in the pocket of a man that already has a roll of $100’s in his.

Whats wrong with this country is that people have the same views on corporations as you do. We the average worker should be privelaged to be able to have a job. We would be nothing without large corporations. :greddy:

the corporations dont give a fuck about American workers. All the give a fuck about is their bottom line, which is why corporations are getting rich, and Americans are losing jobs because they can pay some Indonesian kid $.50 an hour to make their product instead of paying an American a fair wage to do so. Well, its gonna come around and bite them in the ass. Because every dollar they take out of the pockets of a hard working American, is one less dollar for that American to spend on their product. People get on import owners for buying imports, which is funny, because the Japaneese companies have invested more money in building factories in America than American companies have. 90% of the Camaro is built in Canada and Mexico.

Its bullshit that there are hard working Americans living in poverty, barely able to make ends meet, while the companies they slave away for outsource their jobs out from undernath them, just so they can get even filthier rich. I mean, I have no problem with capitalism, but when those same multi-billionaires come and start whining about how they need tax cuts, I have no sympathy for them. They should be taxed even more IMHO.

well, I dont agree with every bit of corporate ethics. I really do not agree with sending out jobs to different countries.

But I do believe a lot of Americans (unions mainly). Need to get their heads out of their asses and realize their labor is not worth the insane wages they require and insist upon.

tha fox news link is hilarious. Americans saying that “American blood is on the hands on European countries” because they refused to back a US led war on Iraq. GOd I hate some of the asswipes that run this country.