Poll: amount of traffic violations you've earned

Pulled over 22 times since January 07. NO TICKETS WERE WRITTEN.

one, a while ago in Ohio.

License for 3 years, nothing yet…(knock on wood)

One of these days I feel like I’ll get one making the trip to/from school, 2 hours on the 90 each way.

In between 16-17 I had a lot of asshole immature tickets, and of course the areas I got it did not do parking tickets, so always had to suck it up and just take the points. From 19+ no more points.

i’m really surprised the amount of people who have had 30+ tickets. makes me feel a bit better about my self

i have got a fucken ticket for driving with no shoes on WTF

LOL I never drive with shoes on in the summer lol… Thats awesome though

Just a lot of parking tickets :wink:

Tint, unsafe start, windsheild banner,

No signal for lane change–> good story, involves running a West Virgina state trooper off the road while driving a 26’ penske truck, he was sitting in my blind spot for a good amount of time, signaled change lanes and see him go into the median.

5 speeding tickets in the last 7 years all about a year apart. The last two I got in NY and never transfered to my VT license :eekdance:

I had 11 just last year, two of which were misdemeanors

one running the red (Complete Bullshit, but that is buffalo cops)
2 speeding
but been clean for a year so far

Currently in the mid 30s. I’ve only had 2 points on my license ever, and that was when i had 7 tickets pending. I’ve calmed down alot though, and haven’t gotten any in a while.

i have 18 tickets.

6 speeding, 4 plate violations and a bunch of other ones…

another dozen or so parking tickets…

driving for 10 years.

I’ve gotten 5 tickets at once. twice.

Been driving for 4 months

Stopped 5 times in 2 days in colorado, speeding(2) illegal lane change(2), improper use of headlights.
Stopped 3 times in my school parking lot by our local cop if you can call him that. “Dont turn your music up until you leave the parking lot” set off a few car alarms.
Stopped once in amherst had about 7 people in the lude, 2 of which enjoyed being through the moon roof.

give me you license and never drive again.

just 1 speeding ticket in the 8 years I have been driving. The v1 saved me a few potential times over the summer.

ive had my fair share of tickets. actually just got a speeding ticket yesterday on 219 in the town of Concord ha

officer Young does good work!

i have gotten alot of stupid ones never 1 for speeding even though i have been speeding every time i get pulled over.I once got a ticket for my bov being 2 loud ha

Lots of ass turtles in this thread.