POLL: Do you wear a seatbelt?

i don’t know why, but i can’t stop laughing at these poll options. usually i’d be irritated, but something about them is super hilarious.

My evo yells at me if I don’t.and it doesnt stop. and if I’m wearing one everyone else is.

altho in the work car I’m in and out so often usually wont.

realy tho, my son of a bitchin 93 altima has AUTOMATIC SEAT BELTS…so its mandatory for me…the altima wants me safe is all…godbless nissan for caring even in the 90’s

I dont like wearing seat belts, but i do because i have a company car and if i get hurt and they can prove i wasnt wearing a seat belt they can deny me disability because of it. Now its become habit in my other cars too

lol @ bumping worst poll options evaR

I used to not when I was 16 or so in my dailys but always in my toy cars.

Now I always do no matter what I am driving.

^wether I’m driving or pasgr, always.


Only I rarely do if I am a passenger in the rear seats

:word:. back seat loving is worth the risk.

always. I think its more of a habit…i feel nervous and awkward if it dont, like im always looking around for cops to pull me over or something. passengers in the front seat i will remind because i can get a ticket for that, people in the back seat, dont know dont care.

all of my friends or anyone who would be in any of my cars wears one no matter what so i dont really worry about it

oh and LOL at the people who were saying “well i wear it in my fun car but not in my other car” or whatever. it doesnt matter what car you’re in, you dont plan on having an accident in any certain car. you have just as great a chance of getting in an accident in any vehicle at any time.

I’m supposed to vote for a question? Should I vote for which one is my favorite?


Now that I read the thread, I see that the failure has been covered.

Actually lol’d. Doesn’t happen often. Thanks for the laugh! :tup:

Although I am confused by your poll options I voted for the first one. Can I vote for all of them though? haha


I always wear a seatbelt when I am in the driver seat and or passenger seat of any vehicle.

Wearing seatbelts in the back seat is summed up from Old School…

Mitch: Sorry, your seatbelt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do?
Cab Driver: I recommend you stop being such a faggot. You’re in the backseat.

And how ironic, I quoted the same quote in my post in your thread also.

hm, big lol at poll questions

One of my good friends died because he wasnt wearing a seatbelt in the back seat.

As for me, the seatbelt saved my life…

ALWAYS, beside i don’t have the $90 to pay for the tix

yeah i was teh suxorz 5 months ago when i originally posted this…