Poor Gas mileage

I suffer from severe noobitis so this question is very general and im expecting just general suggestions/ideas. The past few weeks I’ve been noticing a huge drop in gas mileage. Any ideas?

Told you it was general. You can start laughing now.

Air Filter
Gas Filter
TPS if you’re idle is wierd > readjust it
clean trottle body…
go easy on the gas
Check tires > balance or rotate them…

these things helped me… actually it was just the Gas Filter in my case.


Drive under 50% Throttle

Well i know its not the Air Filter (Well it shouldnt be anyways, cause i changed it like 4months ago). Probably not the way I’m driving. Maybe TPS cuz it does idle a bit wierd. Maybe Gas filter as well. Once in a while I smell gas when i get out of my car (related?). Thanks guys, gotta start reading the Factory Service Novel.

Change your fuel filter with a 1997 Ford Explorer.

or just a 300zx filter would be fine… the gas smell prolly means u have a leaking injector, since its cold out now the seals have shrunk and your getting more leaking then normal, this probably affects ur gas milage, if ur computer detects a problem it may go into “safe” mode or something and the car runs less efficiently… im not sure if our computers do that or not…

Safe/Snooze/Error mode tends to lean out the A/F ration resulting in better gas milage.

I would suggest checking your fuel injector for leaks as well. It could also be your O2 sensor if it is ad it could tell the comp you are running lean and the comp will run rich to compensate. do you know how to run a self diagnostic test on the comp? If so try it, it will tell you if the o2 sensor is bad.

Yeah Im pretty sure i can do the diagnostic, just gotta get around to doing it. Anyways thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it.

can anyone list a few good motor additives that will bump up mileage?
i know injector cleaner is suggested to be used quite often…

at my mechanic coop, we do motorvacs… basicly a three step cleaning system, one bottle in the pcv, one bottle in the crankcase, and one bottle in the gas tank… they all do different stuff, but it works wonders.

i would do that, but you have to be licensed to do it, and it costs $129…

explain plz…

Check your O2 sensor.
If it is bad and you replace it, you should get about 2x the gas mileage give or take. It will also make the car run ALOT better. Another thing is, if you have a bad cat, it will burn out your O2 sensor quickfast, so make sure its in good condition.

Can the o2 senser cause problems in RPMs? Not necessarily at idle but during acceleration?

won’t the ‘check engine light’ be on if it’s a bad 02 sensor? i know that’s what happens on my toyotas

^^ no, and if ur car is mis-firing during acceleration u probly need either new wires, cap and rotor ,or spark plugs.

I dunno if its misfiring, it accelerates smoothly just shifts at somewhat high rpms(its auto).