Poor People = Suck <<< Wicked

Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

That’s as far as I’m willing to go into this argument.

Well they are a product of there environment, so therefore, its in their nature.

well since your name is DUBBIN and you probably have a VW

if you’re a product of your environment then you’re definitely a huge FGGT.

:lol: :bigblap:

Actually VW’s or more like problematic little broken down bastards.

Also, not defending myself on this at all, if you want to call be a biggit, racist, feel free, don’t really care. Sorry for the terms I used, but for the most part the African American race is the one that falls into the OP’s stereotype.

Actually VW’s or more like problematic little broken down bastards.[/quote]


i mean that all of you fggt VW friends probably make you a huge FGGT.

You know, it’s not color, it’s “trash”.

If you go to certain parts of WNY you find more black trash, other parts more white trash.

Unfortunately with census data proving there is a high concentration of black people living at or near the poverty level in the city your chances of encountering black trash in the city and them enforcing the stereotype is pretty good.

I think we can all agree that regardless of race, poor people tend to much more likely to be rude at the movies.

Ok, whatever newman. I don’t see where your problem is? Care to fill me in?

:word: :tup:

Plus, people in general suck. Seriously. Everyone blows. There are only a select few, like myself, who don’t suck.

Teenagers can ruin a movie quickly also.

Aaron/Skunk at a movie can ruin it (REDLINE). He never shuts up.

You guys should petition them to put on Wicked at the summit park mall to prove your point.

That would be why I stopped going to the movies all together. Once I got a nice home theater setup I’d rather wait for the DVD. Any friends I have over know my zero tolerance policy on cell phones and talking when we have a movie night.

just throw them bananas and fried chicken they will quiet down

then you have to listen to them chew with their mouth open. totally fucking disgusting


Clearly he’s pointing out the fact that VW’s suck. And you’re probably on vortex, so that makes you a FGGT.

thanks, brian.

I am on vortex, but only when I need parts

and shitty friends.