Porch Pirates / Package Thiefs

So this dude is currently pan handling near my place downtown. I’m told the cops are on their way to get him / I can press charges, but we’ll see.

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TELL US GOOD NEWS! I hope this guy has his fucking fingers cut off.

None yet. It’s been several days. Every day I call and ask for someone to go get him since he’s always at the same location. The cops either come too late, or his spotter sees them coming and they vanish moments before the cruiser arrives.

Closest we got was NYE but he managed to hide pretty quickly.

All the cops in the district seem to know him so it’s only a matter of time. But I’ve yet to receive a call back from a detective.

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So you call the cops and have yourself or someone else go over there with a $50 or $100 bill and find some way to distract him from the police showing up. lol Maybe while distracted, someone ties his shoe laces together so he can’t run away. (Clearly a joke)

Have you thought about using something like a my Q garage door opener service with Amazon? Tbey offer it in our area.
Have a box fabricated that works on the same principal sell idea to Amazon. Profit.

My garage is on an alleyway that has been used for drug trafficking in the past, lol. So not only would they almost need a different address, but then if they failed to close the door once… it’s just not worth risking.

I have been looking at delivery boxes but haven’t pulled the trigger because I’m not 100% convinced it would solve the problem. :thinking:

Have it delivered to my house in Clarence lol

lol, this to me is ceding territory. If it’s not delivered to my door I might as well not shop online.

Put a gate across your porch. Something solid. If they can’t see it they most likely won’t take anything.
It’s so simple and stupid it just might work

I agree, but without getting too specific there are PLENTLY of places in front of my house where packages could be hidden. But same as with the delivery boxes; the drivers would actually have to make the effort to use them.

I put a fence across my driveway connecting for the front side of my house to my neighbors. (Neighbor signed off that I could go all the way over to their house and forfeit the property along the side of his house. (Maybe 3ft wide anyways)
Before that, I had people try the door handles on our cars as well as come up the drive way. Since installing, I haven’t had a single person come behind the gates and we’ve definitely had someone in the neighborhood trying door handles as I had to fill my neighbor in since I caught it on my camera.
I just wish UPS and Fedex were smart enough to realize after being told as well as having a note on my front door saying to put the packages on my back deck, they don’t even bother. Hell, I had a package sit overnight Sunday to Monday because they didn’t rink our damn doorbell to indicate they dropped off a package. (Sunday mid day while my wife was home)

I’m currently waiting yet again for the BPD to pick this guy up. Maybe they’ll have better luck today.

In the mean time I spoke with my USPS guy and he’s totally cool leaving packages in hidden places. And he says they’re starting to see adoption of smart locks / delivery boxes, so that’s nice to hear.

He also told me that they’re aware that they’re being followed. One female USPS worker delivered a package, only to watch someone take it seconds later. Apparently she chased the dude down and with assistance from another USPS driver they scared the thief enough to drop the package.

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Absolutely loved this one in Canada. I’d have grabbed a lawn chair, a beer and some popcorn. Like a true Canadian, the guy being robbed at one point offered to help the thief. (Sarcastic or not)


Just got back from my local BPD station. Met with a detective and did a bunch of paperwork.

They don’t have the guy yet, but I’m told it’s a matter of time. Turns out when I posted that video to Nextdoor one of the local Buffalo judges also saw it. And she was able to identify the dude. She then provided that info to BPD, but the detective investigating the case has been out on maternity leave so things have been moving slower than expected.

As I left the station I passed the fucker on my way home. Unbelievable.

(I have too much time on my hands @king)

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This is such a great example of why I would never live in the city.

APD would have snatched this guy up on day 1.

EDIT: Next time you see him call the police and tell them he’s beating a trans person of color and he’s wearing a MAGA hat. I bet they show up in seconds.

If you knew what I pay in taxes, you’d change your mind, lol.

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Cost of doing business in the country. Worth it IMO.

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Just got the call :+1:

He admitted to it (how could he not) and it’s now in the hands of the DA.

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