Position Filled. Thanks NYS

It may be a little late but ill send miine in when i get home. Dont have resume on iphone.

Not too late at all. Send it on over

ill try and make one and send it asap

More the merrier!

I am good friends with Chase and wouldn’t mind doing this at all. Ask him about Colin.

Colin, get at me man. We met a few times.

I just pm’ed you.

Sent one over.
But I just have a question… sorry if this is considered hijacking…
But how do you guys without resumes get jobs?
Do you just walk in to a place and say… ohitharimkoolhireme?

Well there goes everyone elses chances lol

Chances for candidates are still VERY high. We have 5 interviews on Wed.

Thank you NYS, the position has been filled.