Position Filled. Thanks NYS

Position filled. Please lock

Um… yes!

questions… 10-30 hours is based on the amount of work? or how much the person can work?

A little of both. We are VERY flexible. That person who worked here was an ECC college student so we worked around his school schedule.

damn i could def use a second job for a few days a week, and im close. But i dont have a resume currently :frowning: lol.

Please put one together and feel free to email it over.

you cant pay 7$ an hour!, i think right? 7.15 is min wage?!

you guys are right below my buddy Dio, right?

maybe I’ll send my resume over

The change was omitted form the post by accident. Thanks for catching it.

Please do. :eekdance:

I hate doing resumes can I just PM you my work experience… Believe me I’m well over qualified for this… I just like more jobs :slight_smile:

Must have a resume.

great first impression.

not to be a dick or anything. it was just a simple question since I know I would be better at that job than ANY applicant he gets. I just don’t want to spend the time to prepare a resume.

edit: not trying to poop up the thread

Let’s entertain the notion then, what makes you say this?!? Sell yourself. This is your shot. Impress me.

Too bad my girlfriend does not know enough about cars to try this. She meets all of the other requirements, she is just not in the Vast General Automotive Knowledge category, lol.

PM Sent

Still have her drop a resume. She may not qualify for the larger dollars, but still could be worth-while for her.

Thanks for the recent resume submissions (or lack there of in some people’s cases)

Still need a few more applicants here. No decision has been made thus far.

All PMs and emails responded to. We will be conducting some more interviews here this week for those applicants we feel would be an excellent fit.

Thanks for all of the responses. We are still accepting applicants. Lots of interviews on Wed