Possible wiring problems?

Hey guys,

I didn’t get any responses for posting this on SON, so I thought I’d post it here (since R32 guys also have rear wipers, may be they may know a thing or two about their wiring).


I just got a new hatch from an '89. Its black, my car is charcoal gray, but its good enough.

Anyway, here’s my problems:

  • the 3rd brake light doesn’t work
  • the wiper doesn’t work

My old hatch, the gray rusty one somewhat worked…

What didn’t work on my old hatch was the wiper. I pressed the wiper button and the wiper started wiping continuously. I remember reading from somewhere that its supposed to wipe once every 10 seconds. The only way to get my rear wiper to stop is to turn off the car, even then, it doesn’t return to its initial position, just whatever position it was in before I turned off the car (completely off, as in the key not being turned into the accessory selection).

My 3rd brake light worked with my old hatch. The bulbs were fine and it lit brightly. I replaced the bulbs in the new hatch with new bulbs (brand new), and still nothing.

So my new hatch doesn’t work (no brake light, no wiper), so I sourced out that the blue w/ white wire on one of the 3 connectors on the passenger side doesn’t complete a circuit, so I used the wiring harness from my old hatch.

With the NEW hatch with the OLD wiring harness, the 3rd brake light still doesn’t work, but this time, when I turn the key into the accessory selection, the wiper wipes continuously EVEN when the rear wiper button is NOT pressed. I press the button and nothing happens, it just keeps wiping, and not once every 10 seconds, it just keeps going and going!

So what’s my problem here, and what would I need to solve it?

Thanks in advance for your replies, its greatly appreciated.

  • Mik

PS. No, I do not want to shave the wiper…

your going to have to get the FSM for the rear hatch/ rear wiper. You need the electrical wiring diagram.

google it, should be easy to find.

start there, it will let u know the wiring colors related to the wiper, and where the ground wire would be.

send a link to the diagram when u find it


the L_WIRING.pdf file, page 9 is for the 240 (1990). I don’t understand jack on it though… I can’t find anything on relays and anything on the rear wiper or tail light…

Just an update on the current situation:

Now, I have to press the shift-lock button in order to shift out of PARK on my automatic transmission… Could this be linked?

gime me your location i can come take a look at it for you.

well your link was confusing, and u posted the ecu wiring.

i only found the 91-94 fsm, so assuming nissan uses the same wires every year, it doesn’t look too hard to figure it out.

you need a test light or multimeter. otherwise your just guessing along the way.

  • now look for the wiper relay/amplifier in the trunk near the latch.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7

stick the test light into #2 and #7
put a wire into #6 and put it to metal in the trunk
the test light should turn on, if it does, you relay is good.

follow the blue/white stripe wire

From Oshawa, make a left on Shoal Pt. (assuming you’re not taking the 401), then make a left on Warwick Ave. Warwick is pretty long (and turns right about 2/3 of the way through). I’m the only house with a 240 on the driveway.

If you’re taking the 401, exit at Salem and go south (left) after the ramp. Follow it to Bayly, then make a right on Shoal Pt.

My cell is 647-680-9443, give me a txt before coming over to make sure I’m home.



Well, looks like both my hatch harnesses are toast. 20 years of opening and closing finally took its toll. I’ll be doing some soldering next weekend…

Anyway, it seems that my car is plagued with electrical problems. The 3 plugs on the car-side, not the hatch-side are really bad. Some aren’t even completing a circuit. So not only is my hatch wiring bad, the wiring in the car itself is bad…

all s13s are wired reeealllly wired. i was putting in a cd player and i touched 2 wires together and my tail lights came on. wired.

Haha, yeah!

For now, I’m going to fix up the wiring harness for the hatch, and if that doesn’t solve my 3rd brake light woes, I’m just going to splice it into the red/green wire for the regular brake lights.

The wires that were cut on the wiring harness were for the wiper, so hopefully that fixes the wiper!

Man, my old '91 Stanza didn’t have weird wiring like this… Well, at least we’re better off than guys who own classic Jaguars. The wiring on those things were just plain horrible!