Problems w/ wiring

Hey guys,

I just got a new hatch from an '89. Its black, my car is charcoal gray, but its good enough.

Anyway, here’s my problems:

  • the 3rd brake light doesn’t work
  • the wiper doesn’t work

My old hatch, the gray rusty one somewhat worked…

What didn’t work on my old hatch was the wiper. I pressed the wiper button and the wiper started wiping continuously. I remember reading from somewhere that its supposed to wipe once every 10 seconds. The only way to get my rear wiper to stop is to turn off the car, even then, it doesn’t return to its initial position, just whatever position it was in before I turned off the car (completely off, as in the key not being turned into the accessory selection).

My 3rd brake light worked with my old hatch. The bulbs were fine and it lit brightly. I replaced the bulbs in the new hatch with new bulbs (brand new), and still nothing.

So my new hatch doesn’t work (no brake light, no wiper), so I sourced out that the blue w/ white wire on one of the 3 connectors on the passenger side doesn’t complete a circuit, so I used the wiring harness from my old hatch.

With the NEW hatch with the OLD wiring harness, the 3rd brake light still doesn’t work, but this time, when I turn the key into the accessory selection, the wiper wipes continuously EVEN when the rear wiper button is NOT pressed. I press the button and nothing happens, it just keeps wiping, and not once every 10 seconds, it just keeps going and going!

So what’s my problem here, and what would I need to solve it?

Thanks in advance for your replies, its greatly appreciated.

  • Mik

EDIT: No shaved wipers… I want a wiper…

shave the wiper.

I actually want a wiper…

Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to make an update on the current situation.

Now, I have to press the shift-lock button in order to shift out of PARK on my automatic transmission… Could this be linked?

Why dont you check over your fuses to start, it would be both great to run through since its a new car, and could be helpful. Because when i got my car everything seemed to work, but i decided to go over everything, and found some missing/ blown fuses.

I actually went over my fuses about an hour ago. Found one that was blown, it was for the tail lamps. I replaced it with another 15A fuse. Didn’t do anything… My tail lights worked no matter what, just not the 3rd brake light after the hatch swap.

As for the shift-lock thing, I guess it was something mechanical under there, since it shifts out of Park easily now without the need to press the shift-lock button (will be much better when I convert to 5sp later on)

My old wiring harness for the hatch worked fine compared to the new one, so I will swap that in. The problem then is somewhere in one of the three plugs that are on the right side of the car (under the b-pillar, under the paneling). It may be somewhere between that and wherever it connects to (relay I guess?)

The wiper works, but it just DOESN’T turn off. After my key passes onto the accessory selection, the wiper starts wiping, and not intermittently. The button is neither on or off… It just wipes…

Whats the wiring needed for the rear wiper? Would I need to replace the switch, or the relay as well (and where is the relay located, anyway?)

Try the relay, as i think that what causes it to go intermitent.

Yep, I’ll be checking that and the switch itself tomorrow (the weather isn’t being so nice today).

I read somewhere that if I stuck my meter to the switch, it should be reading 4 ohms of resistance. It also said that this should also give me a sign as to whether or not the intermittent function is working properly…

Where’s the relay for the rear wiper, anyway? Is it along the motor assembly?

hey so did you figure out the problem with the rear wiper??? was it the relay afterall???

reason im asking and bringing back this thread is because im having kinda the same-ish problem with my winterbeater.

i bought the car and the hatch seems to have been replaced because the wiring was a mess… anyways i wired everything back up, defogger, taillights, and wiper motor… (the motor i used from my other hatch which worked fine before i pulled it) once installed the wiper arms moves but in a very sporatic motion kinda… it will move once every 10 seconds or so its intermitent… BUT it will move 2-3 inches one turn, then 10 seconds later it will complete the sweep, then 10 seconds later it goes back halfway, and soo on.

any ideas?

read his sig.
His car is no longer with us. R.I.P :frowning:

yea i figured that much … but maybe he fixed it and can shed light on how he did it… i guess id better start a new thread