Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Will do, it’s an old lens, came out in the late 90’s IIRC. I was searching for a couple lenses I wanted on ebay to see what they were going for used and this guy popped up, searched what I could find on google, and no one really had anything bad to say about it. Some said it was decent, some said it was really good. Only real complaint anyone had is that the Auto Focus was a bit slow.

Quite a bit said it was very sharp, a few said it was a bit soft, we’ll see. Regardless i think it will be a great fast zoom lens compared to the 55-200.

They do make this lens and the 28-105 f2.8 for a cannon as well. Though I guess the 35-105 is a better lens. I’ve seen a few on ebay since mine sell for anywhere from 100-400 bucks. A good price from what I understand is around ~250 used.