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It’s so so, the more expsensive ones are not bad. Acer is the type of laptop you give to your 13 year old daughter, their decent hardware and will put up with what most teenage girls do these days such as music/facebook/farmville/sending nudes, and cheap enough to where if they break them you don’t give a shit because it was cheap.

the build quality on them can be hit or miss between the differant models. I’ve had quite a few with random issues with cd drive slots/wifi slots stop working, not just the hardware, but the slots on the motherboard themselves going bad

If you baby it, itll prolly be fine

Honestly if your going to get a laptop get a dell, not because im a dell fanboy, but literally the market is so saturated with them, parts are generally easier to come buy and cheaper. Plus dell laptops are a pleasure to take apart compared to most other brands