Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Money shot!

^ yea, I want to be like you so I got that kit

Lol, this will make you just like me.

good, I need to work on my WHHAAAT! though

No one can imitate the whaaaattt.

I know, it’s just not the same.
How’s work, busy much? lol

Soo busy! I just bought this:

ooooooo, secksy

that is a f’n beautifal car!!!

mmmmmmmm nice! Love the blue!

I wish it were mine :frowning:

I would fuck your face! lol:shifty

I was looking at those for a daily, they aren’t that bad in price. Look sick too.

That is indeed a beautiful machine. S4’s like mine are dirt cheap right now…

i like the BBS CK’s alot

As do I.

Just got off the phone with Gruppe-S.
4 17x8 5x100 +45 Silver Enkei RPF1’s


soo weak

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