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HAHA, and on a side note…id rock the FUCK outta that E-Series!

^ :rofl :rofl :rofl

Damn I would totally buy some speakers from a guy selling them out of that van :rofl

Shits hot!

4x4 with a 'stroke in it = sick party van

The fuck wagon!

Hells yeah!

Im on ebaymotors right now looking for one of these LOL

I was just lol’ing hardcore

Seems like a pretty legit deal.

the best part is, i only paid 300$ and its worth alot more!

:excited Sorry…lol, im excited!:ahh

and its 4wd so you can dump the bodies in a really remote area.

DUDE… what kind of speakers are they??? A year ago I have some dude, who looked like he was tweaked out on speed, come up to me in clifton park next to the car wash on the side road by the UPS store, the pizza joint that burned down twice… He pulled up in a white Suburban. He told me he worked for some home theater install place and that his boss forgot what kind of stuff he put in his truck or some shit. He tried to see me some junk bullshit speakers. He flashed me a fake ass magizine with the add for the speakers. Once I asked him how many Ohm they were, the most fucking basic questionfor any speaker, he couldnt tell me. LOL. I told him to try to sell those on ArborHill and maybe drop the speed prior to his sales attempts!

I hope u didnt get this dude again!

that guy stopped me in Albany like 6 times last year and asked me if i wanted to buy some speakers.

Hmm anyone know any crackheads that like to sell automotive tools

hahaha, thats the guy that kept stoppping me asking if i want to buy some speakers in arbor hill! HAHAHA damn you!

listen guys, im just trying to make an honest living being not so honest.

ROFL no fucking way! Well atleast he was smart enough to take adivce.

Thats my work that burned twice- Plaza Linen service. My boss also owns the car wash.

The UPS store got sick of my work burning and moved across 146 by Borders.