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'til mine comes out ;):ninja:ahh


We linin up again this year? I wanna see this thing go!

bottle to bottle kid thats how thats goin down


Me and you or you vs Joey

i have no clue bud,im just talkin out my ass my car is slow as balls ,ask joey he drove it im sure:lol

Sure, I’d like to come out on slicks to see what I can do.

me and joey,s gta …i aint gettin ya this yr i know that but ill run for the hell of it see where its at :lol

Wasn’t too bad when me and Sully took it out. Blew the shitty tires that were on it off on the cold salty road though!

I’m talkin about my import :evilking

Sounds good dood:thumbup

we dont even know for sure what ya got in there so i cant say anything ,:lol

Cool, ill give ya a motor to spray race

I’d like for you to get a competitive daily so it’s a little more even.


prolly the only way it would be close ,i aint gonna lie she is a heavy girl ,and no balls

My shit is pretty slow on motor man!

Had a leak ! Thank you GEARHEAD!

A dis
and a dis

You have more problems with that car…

I like the sound of MAC mufflers on my car. Ive got tips though.