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i got all 4 for 30 bucks… they have like 80% tread lol

oh ,ok …should of known ya wouldnt pay full price for anything

Where did you find those?

I guess theyre ok for that price and better than bald tires but definately not the best tires.

Yeah, they dont call him Penny Pincher for nothing I guess.

well, ya know. funds are tight right now :cry:

why dad cut off your allowance???

i bought 2 brand new holes shots for 70$:ninja

good luck with that ingrown toenail

naw, just paid insurance:wtf

on all 14 of your cars?

nope, 1.

my new battle armor

i had black socks on man…

clean your feet scumbag :smiley:

laskey h22 block wattt


i want to see a picture with your user name in it, or see it in person…


okay so i lied a little buttttt

Thanks to Cliff i now got a complete bottom end from a 97 base lude, cams and harness for FREE! the crank may be spent it knocked so im gona pull i and bring it to hunts see what they say about it. but it will be off to laskey soon

whats the turn around on the h22 blocks from laskey now? still a year lol?