Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

no, if a battery is in the trunk you need a cut-off switch.

i had a battery in my trunk with no cutoff and i didn’t get hassled.

My battery comes stock in the back, I duznt need a cutoff.

Dragfags are dummays.

I’m actually gonna say, if u want to put fans, put them on man, cant hurt ! because the way some setups are u might not get good air flow around your amp, so extra air flow is always great… I was going to do the same thing for my amp before, but that setup was taken down…

and for the thread

WOW WOW people are gettin bikes, very nice ones too !! i cant wait to get back and fuck with my bike :smiley:

already got new tires, and a pipe lined up ready to install ;D

yes brian is a homosexual, :thumbup

Gots me some parts fer teh ay tee ve tehday.

Giggidy giggidy.

congrats on the new parts gorgey pooo


Wait another week or so to see what I’m waiting to get back. It’s gonna be purrdy.


too fo tee? you can not has too fo tee :lol

I hate my car…

shut up

I can’t live without the quad…

I don’t remember what it’s like having a running 240 so it can wait.:facepalm

:Idiots I might have to give you a ride in mine when its back together, so than you’ll remember haha

Then I will be so far into debt from taking out a loan to finish my hoopty. :vlad:ohnoes:ahh:banghead:'(:wierd:ninja

Of course, I can’t just do “simple” maintenance… I have to upgrade a little :banghead:

And they will be coming pc’d black, not red.

how was it?

Hilarious. Zack Galifianakis was awesome, and pretty much throughout the whole movie I don’t think I went more than a minute without laughing.

sweet. i’ll have to see it next weekend