Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

pretty much, yeah, but this is more concentrated and we figured after having the AFR’s a little messed up from running without the grunt box for a bit and after running 100 octane last night it couldnt hurt to clean em out again.


Wanna buy some prime florida real estate in the everglades?


oh and just bought this sign :excited$detail$

Why the fuck are you running 100 octane in that thing?

passed the gas station in the village on the way to LVD last night a little low on gas, forgot to fill up, got to the track with the empty light on, went two runs and didn’t feel like running out of gas and also didn’t feel like driving all the way back to the village to miss 1+ runs, so i went to the back of the track and bought a gallon of the only unleaded fuel they had there

thats why

Theres a Stewarts just past LVD heading east on 20.


well now i know :lol


I tried telling him that… he didn’t listen:facepalm

:facepalm right back at ya. shit was $3.00 . who cares.

:facepalm :facepalm ya didn’t tell me there was one going east, you said “back in the village” aka 15-20 minutes back west.

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
When’s Joe Jiggs putting that stuff in?

I said “there’s a Stewart’s like a few miles past here if you take a left out of here” :retardclap

believe it or not, i put it in allllllll by myself :excited . easy there, mr. idunnohowtoputonwheels :lol

well i didnt hear ya so quit getting loud.

I know how to put wheels on, donkey dick

DISCLAIMER: This is a Joseph “Don Vito” Giglio (aka “Pillows”) story, so there is a 74.3% chance that this is either wholly or completely fabricated

vito said you loosened and completely took off all four lugnuts on your car while it was still on the ground when you were changing tires at LVD

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

I loosened all the lugnuts on the ground so I wouldn’t have to have someone hold the brakes so the wheel wouldn’t spin.

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

thats not what jiggs said. And kramer race gas at the track is a little more than 300 a gallon.

did you read the disclaimer? :lol

that is word for word what he said. and when did i ever say it was $3/gallon? way to bring in information what is completely false and irrelevant it was 8, but the guy gave me 1.5 gallons free caus he spilled some on my car :lmao

and i thought you said like 20 different times “i’m so done with shift, its so lame” ? :ponder

Am I aloud to post pictures of illegal plants?

:lol why not, it’s been done before

Well then.

Got a little of this:

And a little of that: totally different strains.