Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

NICE:thumbup pics?

congrats! +1 on pics

i hope they hook a little bit

and this :banghead
3GS. I love it.


just bought a 15" macbook pro and 8gb ipod touch and im lovin them!!!

Nice! I wanted a MacBook pro for the longest time. my iPhone was jailbroken within 2 hours lol

how do i “jailbreak” my ipod touch? lol

Google “iPod touch jailbreak”

To be honest I’m not even sure you can haha

i know muia had his jailbroke or whatever. ill look into it more lol

Yeah, pretty sure you can’t jailbreak the iTouch.

this look right? i dunno

Canon Rebel XS
EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens & other misc. accessories

and some stupid parts for my car.

everyone is buying sweet ass cameras, whats going on? is this like the new trend for the kool kids?

Yes you can jailbreak Ipod touches…

Search around


+1, I jailbreaked (jailbroke?) mine. This was back before apple allowed 3rd party apps though. Now the only real reason to JB an iTouch is to get cool themes.


^^ $$$$

Nice Nick! I was going to ask if you upgraded your brakes since you posted that you wanted to race from 60-0 :lol

post MAD photos, Nick!

I’ll race 60-0.