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And some 2.5" pipe


If you look at most coilover setups the springs are not that big compared to a cars stock setup…

still the difference is staggering! also, hilarious!

why? what are you getting at? that audi springs are better than mitsubishi?

quite possibly, but just the sheer difference in size between the two

that’s stupid to compare it by size…you are also comparing a “coilover” spring that could be used with a honda and basically “stock” springs that are on an audi…

of course a land yacht would have bigger springs than an entry level sports sedan. the evo would still handle better with the “weaker/smaller” springs…

your comparing tangerines to grapefruits.

you are dumb.

it’s a JOKE. i swear, its like telling a joke to a goddamn robot, quit thinking about it from a logical standpoint. CRIPES, people, what the hell’s up your ass these days?

i guess i missed the punchline?

Bought another paper weight

God why

Due to the fact I am awesome

and the fact that we’re going to take it and do AWD burnouts on Benny’s lawn

^ that too

I bought moar prescription painkillers. :excited

Stop now.

They’re addicting.

Yeah. Opiates are a hell of a thing. But seriously.

is it local? i think ive seen it around before, i dont remember the infamous banner though